Many engineering problems require identifying feasible domains under implicit constraints. One example is finding acceptable car body styling designs based on constraints like aesthetics and functionality. Current active-learning based methods learn feasible domains for bounded input spaces. However, we usually lack prior knowledge about how to set those input variable bounds. Bounds that are too small will fail to cover all feasible domains; while bounds that are too large will waste query budget. To avoid this problem, we introduce Active Expansion Sampling (AES), a method that identifies (possibly disconnected) feasible domains over an unbounded input space. AES progressively expands our knowledge of the input space, and uses successive exploitation and exploration stages to switch between learning the decision boundary and searching for new feasible domains. We show that AES has a misclassification loss guarantee within the explored region, independent of the number of iterations or labeled samples. Thus it can be used for real-time prediction of samples’ feasibility within the explored region. We evaluate AES on three test examples and compare AES with two adaptive sampling methods — the Neighborhood-Voronoi algorithm and the straddle heuristic — that operate over fixed input variable bounds.
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Note that in this paper the terms “active learning” and “adaptive sampling” are interchangeable.
A point infinitely far away from previous queries has the \(\bar {f}(\boldsymbol {x})\) close to 0 and the maximum V (x), thus the highest p 𝜖 (x).
In Section 3, we assume that the queried point is the exact solution to the query strategy. However since we approximate the exact solution by using a pool-based sampling setting, the query may be deviate from the exact solution slightly.
Sampling methods like random sampling or Poisson-disc sampling (Bridson 2007) can be used to generate the pool. We use random sampling here thereby for simplicity. The specific choice of the sampling method within the local pool is not central to the overall method.
We can set 𝜖 and τ such that the accuracy bound is as required. Details about how to set hyperparameters are in Section 5.3.
Technically, due to sampling error introduced when generating the pool, the exploitation stage will be influenced by 𝜖 (since \(\bar {f}(\boldsymbol {x}^{*})\) is only ≈ 0). But this effect is negligible compared to 𝜖’s influence on the exploration stage.
For NV algorithm, its pool size refers to the test samples generated for the Monte Carlo simulation.
This difference is because NV’s explored region covers more area than AES at the beginning.
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The authors thank the anonymous reviewers whose efforts improved the manuscript. This work was funded through a University of Maryland Minta Martin Grant.
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Appendix A: Theorem proofs
1.1 A1 Proof of theorem 3
According to (2), given an optimal query x∗, we have
Therefore for the optimal query x∗ we have
Both Theorem 1 and 2 state that p 𝜖 (x∗) = τ, thus
When τ = Φ(−η𝜖), we have
Plugging (A1) into (A5) and solving for the distance δ, we get
1.2 A2 Proof of theorem 5
Theorem 1 states that the optimal query in the exploitation stage lies at the intersection of \(\bar {f}(\boldsymbol {x})= 0\) and p 𝜖 (x) = τ. By substituting Φ(−η𝜖) for τ, we have
According to (A3), we have \(V(\boldsymbol {x}^{*})>1-k_m^2\nu \). Combining (A1), (A4), and (A7), we get
1.3 A3 Proof of theorem 6
According to (A7), the predictive variance of an optimal query x e x p l o i t in the exploitation stage is
While in the exploration stage, we have p 𝜖 (x e x p l o r e ) = τ at the optimal query x e x p l o r e (Theorem 2). And by applying (4) and setting τ = Φ(−η𝜖), we have
Appendix B: Additional experimental results
1.1 B1 Hosaki example
We use the Hosaki example as an additional 2-dimensional example to demonstrate the performance of our proposed method. Different from the Branin example, the Hosaki example has feasible domains of different scales. Its feasible domains resemble two isolated feasible regions — a large “island” and a small one (Fig. 15a). The Hosaki function is
We define the label y = 1 if x ∈ {x|g(x) ≤ − 1, 0 < x1, x2 < 5}; and y = − 1 otherwise.
For AES, we set the initial point x(0) = (3, 3). We use a Gaussian kernel with a length scale l = 0.4. The test set to compute F1 scores is generated along a 100 × 100 grid in the region where x1 ∈ [− 3, 9] and x2 ∈ [− 3.5, 8.5]. For NV and straddle, the input space bounds are shown in Table 3.
Table 4 shows the final F1 scores and running time of AES, NV, and the straddle heuristic. Fig. 15 shows the F1 scores and queries under different 𝜖 and η. Fig. 16 compares the performance of AES and NV with different boundary sizes. Fig. 17 shows the performance of AES and NV under Bernoulli and Gaussian noise.
1.2 B2 Results of straddle heuristic
In this section we list experimental results related to the straddle heuristic. Specifically, Fig. 18 shows straddle’s F1 scores and queries using different sizes of input variable bounds, and the comparison with AES. Fig. 19 shows the comparison of AES and straddle under noisy labels.
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Chen, W., Fuge, M. Active expansion sampling for learning feasible domains in an unbounded input space. Struct Multidisc Optim 57, 925–945 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-017-1894-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-017-1894-y