Grain growth and hardness variation occurring in high-temperature heat affected zone (HAZ) during the welding processes are two thermal dependant aspects of great interest for both academic and industrial research activities. This paper presents an innovative finite element (FE) model capable to describe the grain growth and the hardness decrease that occur during the gas metal arc welding (GMAW) of commercial AISI 441 steel. The commercial FE software SFTC DEFORM-3D™ was used to simulate the GMAW process, and a user subroutine was developed including a physical based model and the Hall–Petch (H-P) equation to predict grain size variation and hardness change. The model was validated by comparison with the experimental results showing its reliability in predicting important welding characteristics temperature dependant. The study provides an accurate numerical model (i.e. user subroutine, heat source fitting, geometry) able to successfully predict the thermal phenomena (i.e. coarsening of the grains and hardening decrease) that occur in the HAZ during welding process of ferritic stainless steel.
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commercial FE software SFTC DEFORM-3D™
- C 0 :
Numerical constant
- C 1 :
Numerical constant
- D :
Current grain size
- D 0 :
Initial grain size
- FE:
Finite element
- FEM:
Finite element method
- FZ:
Fusion zone
Gas metal arc welding
Gas tungsten arc welding
- HAZ:
Heat affected zone
- H-P:
- HV:
Hardness Vickers
- IRC:
Infra-red camera
- Q :
Activation energy for grain growth
- R :
Gas constant
- T :
Current temperature
- TIG:
Tungsten inert gas
- a :
Heat source parameter
- b :
Heat source parameter
- c 1 :
Heat source parameter
- c 2 :
Heat source parameter
- d :
Average grain size
- k :
Numerical constant
- k y :
Numerical constant
- k 0 :
Numerical constant
- σ y :
Yield strength
- σ 0 :
Numerical constant
- m :
Numerical constant
- t :
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Conceptualization, S.C. and S.I.; methodology, S.C. and S.I. software, S.C.; validation, S.C.; formal analysis, S.I.; investigation, S.C. and S.I.; resources, S.C. and S.I.; data curation, S.C. and S.I.; writing–original draft preparation, S.C. and S.I.; writing–review and editing, S.C. and S.I.; visualization, S.I.; supervision, S.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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Caruso, S., Imbrogno, S. Finite element modelling and experimental validation of microstructural changes and hardness variation during gas metal arc welding of AISI 441 ferritic stainless steel. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 119, 2629–2637 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-021-08401-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-021-08401-8