This paper considers weighted composite quantile estimation of the single-index model with missing covariates at random. Under some regularity conditions, we establish the large sample properties of the estimated index parameters and link function. The large sample properties of the parametric part show that the estimator with estimated selection probability have a smaller limiting variance than the one with the true selection probability. However, the large sample properties of the estimated link function indicate that whether weights were estimated or not has no effect on the asymptotic variance. Studies of simulation and the real data analysis are presented to illustrate the behavior of the proposed estimators.
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The authors sincerely thank the Editor, the Associate Editor and two Reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions which lead to a significant improvement on this paper. Liu’s work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11761020), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No. 2017M623067), Open Foundation of Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Public Big Data(Grant No. 2017BDKFJJ030), Scientific Research Foundation for Young Talents of Department of Education of Guizhou Province(Grant No. 2017104), Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (Grant No. QKH20177222). Yang’s work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11671059). Peng’s work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61662009), Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (Grant No. QKH20183001).
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Lemma 1
Let \((X_{1}, Y_{1})\), \((X_{2}, Y_{2}),\ldots , (X_{n}, Y_{n})\) be independent and identically distributed random vectors, where \(Y_{i}\) are scalar random variables. Furthermore, assume that \(E|Y|^{s}<\infty \), and \(\sup _{x}\int |Y|^{s}f(x,y)dy<\infty \), where \(f(\cdot ,\cdot )\) denotes the joint density of (X, Y). Let K be a bounded positive function with a bounded support, satisfying the Lipschitz condition. Given that \(n^{2\varepsilon -1}h\rightarrow \infty \) for some \(\varepsilon <1-s^{-1}\), then
This follows immediately from the result obtained by Mack and Silverman (1982). \(\square \)
Lemma 2
(Quadratic Approximation Lemma) Suppose \(A_{n}(s)\) is convex and can be represented as \(\frac{1}{2}s^{T}Vs+U^{T}_{n}s+C_{n}+r_{n}(s)\) , where V is symmetric and positive definite, \(U_{n}\) is stochastically bounded, \(C_{n}\) is arbitrary, and \(r_{n}(s)\) goes to zero in probability for each s. Then \(\alpha _{n}\), the minimizer of \(A_{n}(s)\), is only \(o_{p}(1)\) away from \(\beta _{n}=-V^{-1}U_{n}\), the minimizer of \(\frac{1}{2}s^{T}Vs+U^{T}_{n}s+C_{n}\). If also \(U_{n}\xrightarrow {d} U\), then \(\alpha _{n}\xrightarrow {d} -V^{-1}U\).
The proof of Lemma 2 is available from Hjort and Pollard (2011). The proof of the Quadratic Approximation Lemma indicates that the positive definiteness of the matrix V can be reduced into semi-positive definiteness, even to the existence of a generalized inverse, see Wu et al. (2010).
Lemma 3
Suppose that Conditions (C1)–(C7) hold. Let \({\hat{\beta }}^{0}\) be the initial estimator of \(\beta _{0}\). As \(h\rightarrow 0\) and \(\delta _{n}\rightarrow 0\), we have
where \({\tilde{\beta }}={\hat{\beta }}^{0}-\beta _{0}\), \(\delta _{n}=\sqrt{\log (1/h)/(nh)}\) and \(\delta _{\beta }=|{\hat{\beta }}^{0}-\beta _{0}|\).
Recall that \(({\hat{a}}_{WCQR1}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0}),...,{\hat{a}}_{WCQRq}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0}),{\hat{g}}_{WCQR}'(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0}))\) are obtained by minimizing the following objective function
where \(K_{i}(u)=K_{h}(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0}-u).\) Let \({\hat{\theta }}=\sqrt{nh}\{({\hat{a}}_{WCQR1}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(u)-c_{1}),...,({\hat{a}}_{WCQRq}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(u)-c_{q}),h({\hat{g}}_{WCQR}'(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g'(u))\}\), \(r_{i}(u)=g(X_{i}^{T}\beta _{0})-g(u)-g^{'}(u)(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0}-u)\), \(r^{0}_{i}(u)=g(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(u)-g^{'}(u)(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0}-u)\), \(\eta _{ik}=I(\epsilon _{i}-c_{k}<0)-\tau _{k}\), \(\eta _{ik}(u)=I(\epsilon _{i}-c_{k}+r_{i}(u)<0)-\tau _{k}\), \(X_{ik}=(e_{k},(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0}-u)/h)^{T}\), \(X^{*}_{k}=(e_{k},(X^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0}-u)/h)^{T}\), \(e_{k}\) is a q-vector with 1 on the kth position and 0 elsewhere. Then, \({\hat{\theta }}\) is also the minimizer of
By Knight (1998), for any \(x\ne 0\), we have
Then, we can get
Since \(B_{n,k}(\theta )\) is a summation of i.i.d. random variables of the kernel dorm, we obtain by Lemma 1
Let \({\hat{\chi }}^{0}\) be the \(\sigma \)-field generated by \(\{X_{1}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},...,X_{n}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0}\}\). Since \({\hat{\beta }}^{0}\) is a \(\sqrt{n}\)-consistent estimator of \(\beta _{0}\), we have \(f_{U}(.)=f_{U_{0}}(.)(1+o_{p}(1))\). Hence, the expectation of \(\sum _{k=1}^qB_{n,k}(\theta )\) is
where \(S=diag(C,\mu _{2}c)\), \(C=diag(f_{\epsilon }(c_{1}),...,f_{\epsilon }(c_{q}))\), \(c=\sum _{k=1}^qf_{\epsilon }(c_{k})\). Hence, we have
By Lemma 2, we have
Let \(W_{n1}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{nh}}\sum _{k=1}^q \sum _{i=1}^n\frac{V_{i}}{\pi (Y_{i})}\eta _{ik}K_{i}(u)X_{ik}\), we can get \(Var(W_{n}-W_{n1})=o_{p}(1)\), which implies
Then, we get
Combining (A.4) and (A.5), we obtain
Considering \(E[W_{n}]\), we have
It is easy to show that
Combining (A.6) and (A.7), we complete the proof of Lemma 3. \(\square \)
Lemma 4
Suppose that Conditions (C1)–(C7) hold. As \(h\rightarrow 0\) and \(\delta _{n}\rightarrow 0\), we have
where \(\Delta _{(n,h)}=(h^{2}+1/(nh)+h^{2}\delta _{\beta }+\delta _{\beta }^{2}+h^{3})\), \({\tilde{\beta }}\), \(\delta _{n}\) and \(\delta _{\beta }\) are defined in Lemma 3.
Note that \(({\hat{a}}_{NWCQR1}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0}),...,{\hat{a}}_{NWCQRq}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0}),{\hat{g}}_{NWCQR}'(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0}))\) are obtained by minimizing the following objective function
Let \({\hat{\theta }}^{*}=\sqrt{nh}\{({\hat{a}}_{NWCQR1}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(u)-c_{1}),...,({\hat{a}}_{NWCQRq}(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(u)-c_{q}),h({\hat{g}}_{NWCQR}'(u,{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g'(u))\}\). Then, \({\hat{\theta }}^{*}\) is also the minimizer of
Notice that
where \(I_{3}\) is the first summation, \(I_{4}\) is the second one. From the proof of Lemma 3, we have \(I_{3}=\frac{f_{U_{0}}(u)}{2}\theta ^{*T}S\theta ^{*}+o_{p}(1)=O_{p}(1)\). Considering the fact \(sup_{y}|{\hat{\pi }}(y)-\pi (y)|=o_{p}(1)\), we have \(I_{4}=o_{p}(1)\). Then, it follows that
Recalling the definition of \(W_{n}^{*}\), we have
\(W_{n}\) and \(W_{n1}\) are given in Lemma 3.
Recalling the definition of \({\hat{\pi }}(y)\), we have
where \(O(h^{2})\) and \(O_{p}(1/\sqrt{nh^{-1}})\) don’t depend on the \(V_{j}\), \((j=1,...,n)\).
Noting that \(E\sum _{k=1}^q[\eta _{jk}(u)K_{j}(u)X_{jk}|Y_{j}]=O_{p}(h)\), we have
By calculating the mean and the variance, we can get
Then, we have
For \(I_{6}\), we can get
Denote \(D_{ij}=\sum _{k=1}^q \frac{1}{nf_{Y}(Y_{i})\pi (Y_{i})}L_{h}(Y_{j}-Y_{i})\eta _{ik}(u)K_{i}(u)X_{ik}\). For given \(Y_{j}\), \(D_{ij}\) is independent with \(D_{lj}\), \(i\ne l\). Hence, we have
Then, \(I_{6}\) can be rewritten as
Combining (A.11)–(A.13), we have
By Lemma 2, we complete the proof of Lemma 4. \(\square \)
Proof of Theorem 3.1
When the selection probability is known, we denote \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{1}\) and \({\hat{c}}_{WCQRk}^{1}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) to be the estimators of \(\beta _{0}\) and \(c_{k}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) which are obtained in 1th iteration in the algorithm proposed in Sect. 2.1. Then, \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{1}\) and \({\hat{c}}_{WCQRk}^{1}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) are the minimizer of the following loss function:
Let \({\hat{\zeta }}_{WCQR}=\sqrt{n}({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{1}-\beta _{0})\), \({\hat{v}}_{WCQRk}=\sqrt{n}({\hat{c}}_{WCQRk}^{1}-c_{k})\), \(r_{ik}=c_{k}+{\hat{g}}_{WCQR}(X^{T}_{i}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(X^{T}_{i}\beta _{0})+{\hat{g}}'_{WCQR}(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})(X_{i}^{T}\beta _{0}-X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0})\) and \(N_{i}={\hat{g}}'_{WCQR}(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})X_{i}\). Then, \({\hat{\zeta }}_{WCQR}\) and \({\hat{v}}_{WCQRk}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) minimize the following:
Letting \(M_{n1}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum _{k=1}^q \sum _{i=1}^n \frac{V_{i}}{\pi (Y_{i})}[I(\epsilon _{i}< c_{k})-\tau _{k}]N_{i}\), we can get \(Var(M_{n}-M_{n1}|{\hat{\chi }}^{0},X)=o_{p}(1)\). Then,
With the help of Lemma 3 and Condition (C9), we have
Thus, we have
For \(I_{7}\), we have
where \(C_{0}=cE[g'(X^{T}\beta _{0})^2E(X|X^{T}\beta _{0})E(X|X^{T}\beta _{0})^{T}]\) and c defined in Lemma 3.
Considering \(I_{8}\), we have
where \(C_{n}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum _{k=1}^q\sum _{j=1}^n\frac{V_{j}}{\pi (Y_{j})}\eta _{jk}{\hat{g}}'(X_{j}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})E[X_{j}|X^{T}_{j}\beta _{0}]\).
Combining (A.15)–(A.19), we obtain
By Lemma 2, we have
Recalling the definition of \({\hat{\zeta }}_{WCQR}\), we have
Denote \({\tilde{\Gamma }}=\Gamma ^{-\frac{1}{2}} C_{0}\Gamma ^{-\frac{1}{2}}\) and \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{k}\) to be the estimator of \(\beta _{0}\) gained in the kth iteration. For k, replace \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{1}\) and \({\hat{\beta }}^{0}\) by \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{k+1}\) and \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{k}\), respectively, Equation (A.20) still holds. Letting \(\vartheta ^{k}=\Gamma ^{\frac{1}{2}}({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}^{k}-\beta _{0})\), we have
Similar to Xia and Härdle (2006), we can get the convergence of our algorithm. For sufficiently large k, we have
Recalling the definition of \({\tilde{\Gamma }}\), (A.21) can be rewritten as
where \(D=\Gamma -C_{0}\).
By Central limit theorem, we know
where \(D_{1}\) is given in Theorem 3.1.
Combining Equations (A.22) and (A.23), we obtain the asymptotic normality of \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}\). \(\square \)
Proof of Theorem 3.2
Denote \({\hat{\beta }}_{NWCQR}^{1}\) and \({\hat{c}}_{NWCQRk}^{1}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) to be the calculation results of the 1th iteration when using the estimated selection probability. \({\hat{\beta }}_{NWCQR}^{1}\) and \({\hat{c}}_{NWCQRk}^{1}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) are obtained by minimizing the following objective function:
Let \({\hat{\zeta }}_{NWCQR}=\sqrt{n}({\hat{\beta }}_{NWCQR}^{1}-\beta _{0})\), \({\hat{v}}_{NWCQRk}=\sqrt{n}({\hat{c}}_{NWCQRk}^{1}-c_{k})\), \(N^{*}_{i}={\hat{g}}'_{NWCQR}(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})X_{i}\) and \(r^{*}_{ik}=c_{k}+{\hat{g}}_{NWCQR}(X^{T}_{i}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})-g(X^{T}_{i}\beta _{0})+{\hat{g}}'_{NWCQR}(X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0},{\hat{\beta }}^{0})(X_{i}^{T}\beta _{0}-X_{i}^{T}{\hat{\beta }}^{0})\) , \((k=1,...,q)\). Then, \({\hat{\zeta }}_{NWCQR}\), \({\hat{v}}_{NWCQRk}\), \((k=1,...,q)\) minimizes the following
and \(\Gamma \) is given in the proof of Theorem 3.1. Note that
Using Lemma 4 and Conditions (C8)–(C9), and following the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have
Considering \(I_{9}\), we have
Using Conditions (C8)–(C9), we have
Combining (A.26)–(A.29), we have
By Central limit theorem, we have
where \(D_{2}\) is given in Theorem 3.2. Following the proof of Theorem 3.1, we obtain the asymptotic normality of \({\hat{\beta }}_{NWCQR}\). \(\square \)
Proof of Theorem 3.3
By Theorem 3.1, we can see that \({\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR}\) is a \(\sqrt{n}\)-consistent estimator of \(\beta _{0}\). Following the proof of Lemma 3, the asymptotic normality of \({\hat{g}}(u,{\hat{\beta }}_{WCQR})\) is obtained. \(\square \)
Proof of Theorem 3.4
By Theorem 3.2, we can see that \({\hat{\beta }}_{NWCQR}\) is a \(\sqrt{n}\)-consistent estimator of \(\beta _{0}\). Suppose that Conditions (C1)–(C7) and (C10) hold, by Lemma 4, we have
where C is defined in Lemma 3,
By calculating the expectation and variance, we obtain the asymptotic normality of \({\hat{g}}(u,{\hat{\beta }}_{NWCQR})\). \(\square \)
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Liu, H., Yang, H. & Peng, C. Weighted composite quantile regression for single index model with missing covariates at random. Comput Stat 34, 1711–1740 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-019-00886-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-019-00886-y