The Wilkinson distance of a matrix A is the two-norm of the smallest perturbation E so that A + E has a multiple eigenvalue. Malyshev derived a singular value optimization characterization for the Wilkinson distance. In this work we generalize the definition of the Wilkinson distance as the two-norm of the smallest perturbation so that the perturbed matrix has an eigenvalue of prespecified algebraic multiplicity. We provide a singular value characterization for this generalized Wilkinson distance. Then we outline a numerical technique to solve the derived singular value optimization problems. In particular the numerical technique is applicable to Malyshev’s formula to compute the Wilkinson distance as well as to retrieve a nearest matrix with a multiple eigenvalue.
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The computing resources for this work were supplied through the National Science Foundation Grants DMS-0715146 and DMS-0821816. This work was also supported in part by the TUBITAK (the scientific and technological research council of Turkey) Grant 109T660. Most of this work was completed when the author was holding a S.E.W. assistant professorship in the department of mathematics at the University of California, San Diego.
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Mengi, E. Locating a nearest matrix with an eigenvalue of prespecified algebraic multiplicity. Numer. Math. 118, 109–135 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-010-0326-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-010-0326-3