Here, we demonstrate a systematic shift in the perceived location of a tactile stimulus on the arm toward where the eye is looking. Participants reported the perceived position of touches presented between the elbow and the wrist while maintaining eye positions at various eccentricities. The perceived location of the touch was shifted by between 1 and 5 cm (1.9°–9.5° visual angle) by a change in eye position of ±25° from straight ahead. In a control condition, we repeat the protocol with the eyes fixating straight ahead. Changes in attention accounted for only 17% of the shift due to eye position. The pattern of tactile shifts due to eye position was comparable whether or not the arm was visible. However, touches at locations along the forearm were perceived as being farther apart when the arm was visible compared to when it was covered. These results are discussed in terms of the coding of tactile space, which seems to require integration of tactile, visual and eye position information.
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Eye position was not measured since timing and accuracy of the eye’s position were not critical to the experiment.
Upon the request of a reviewer, we tested the hypothesis that the effects reported here were due to a ventriloquism effect between the flashed LED and the touch. As there was a variable delay between the LED offset and tactile onset (100–450 ms), a separate analysis of trials with a short delay (100–275) was compared with long delays (276–450) for both experiment 1 and 2. If the effect reported was due to spatial ventriloquism, then shorter delays should yield stronger effects (larger shifts in position) while longer delays should yield smaller or no effects at all. The average perceived location of the touches (4) at each fixation (4) in each experiment (2) was calculated separately for short and long delays by pooling the participant’s data. Regressions were fitted to each touch across the four fixations separately for the short and long delays (in the same way as is presented in Figs. 2, 3a, and 4a in the paper). If the effects were due to ventriloquism, then there should be larger slopes for shorter delays. A paired samples t test comparing eight short delays and eight long delays (four with vision and four without vision) revealed no significant difference between the slopes for the two delay groups t 7 = 0.29, P = .78).
Since different participants were used in experiment 3 and experiments 1 and 2, this smaller effect could not be statistically tested with a repeated measures design. However, by taking the average slope of the regression lines when the eyes were in a fixed position (Fig. 4a solid black line) and dividing it by the average slope of the regression lines when the eyes changed fixation (Fig. 4a dotted black line), we have calculated that 17% of the effect initially reported as due to eye position, was actually due to the effects of attention.
Similarly, one might argue that the shifted touch might have been due to a response bias. However, the same logic applies since a response bias in this experiment would probably be towards the flashed LED, and should then have appeared in the results of experiment 3. Since the shifted touch effect is minimal in experiment 3, we feel that if a response bias were present it would be relatively minimal in comparison to the size of the effect due to eye position.
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LRH is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. Vanessa Harrar holds an NSERC postgraduate scholarship.
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Harrar, V., Harris, L.R. Eye position affects the perceived location of touch. Exp Brain Res 198, 403–410 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-009-1884-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-009-1884-4