To experimentally validate learning and approximation algorithms for XML Schema Definitions (XSDs), we need algorithms to generate uniformly at random a corpus of XSDs as well as a similarity measure to compare how close the generated XSD resembles the target schema. In this paper, we provide the formal foundation for such a testbed. We adopt similarity measures based on counting the number of common and different trees in the two languages, and we develop the necessary machinery for computing them. We use the formalism of extended DTDs (EDTDs) to represent the unranked regular tree languages. In particular, we obtain an efficient algorithm to count the number of trees up to a certain size in an unambiguous EDTD. The latter class of unambiguous EDTDs encompasses the more familiar classes of single-type, restrained competition and bottom-up deterministic EDTDs. The single-type EDTDs correspond precisely to the core of XML Schema, while the others are strictly more expressive. We also show how constraints on the shape of allowed trees can be incorporated. As we make use of a translation into a well-known formalism for combinatorial specifications, we get for free a sampling procedure to draw members of any unambiguous EDTD. When dropping the restriction to unambiguous EDTDs, i.e. taking the full class of EDTDs into account, we show that the counting problem becomes #P-complete and provide an approximation algorithm. Finally, we discuss uniform generation of single-type EDTDs, i.e., the formal abstraction of XSDs. To this end, we provide an algorithm to generate k-occurrence automata (k-OAs) uniformly at random and show how this leads to the uniform generation of single-type EDTDs.
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under the FET-Open grant agreement FOX, number FP7-ICT-233599.
Supported by grant number MA 4938/2–1 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Emmy Noether Nachwuchsgruppe).
Appendix: Proof of Lemma 6.15
Appendix: Proof of Lemma 6.15
We show that the specification given in Fig. 3 is combinatorially isomorphic to the strings of length satisfying rules (A1)–(A4) given in Sect. 6.
Lemma 6.15
For ℓ,k,n,j′,j,n 0,…,n ℓ−1∈ℕ, m≥ℓ, and \(\overline{W}^{m}\) a valid partition w.r.t. k for m, the class \(\mathcal {S}_{m}^{(j',j)}[\overline{W}^{m}]\) defined by the specification in Fig. 3 is combinatorially isomorphic to the class of strings of length (n+1)⋅ℓ satisfying rules (A1)–(A4), with a prefix s 0…s j′⋅ℓ+j , where exactly the states [1,m] occur in the string at positions up to position j′⋅ℓ+j, and for each i∈[0,ℓ−1], and q∈[0,j′⋅ℓ+j], it holds that {s q | q=i (mod ℓ)}=W i .
We first count the number of valid extensions of such a given prefix (Lemma A.1) and then show that this number coincides with the number of objects in the corresponding class (Lemma A.2).
We need the following notations. Let Σ be an alphabet of size ℓ. For ℓ and k as above, and m,j′,j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1∈ℕ, let N(m,j′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) be defined inductively as follows:
and for j′≤m−1 and j<ℓ,
and for j′=m and j<ℓ,
Informally, and in a similar manner as above, the number of strings satisfying the rules (A1)–(A4) where exactly the states in [1,m] appear at the positions up to an including position j′⋅ℓ+j, is equal to the sum of the number of possible strings where m+1 appears for the first time in one of the positions between j′⋅ℓ+j+1 and (m+1)⋅ℓ−1. In equation (A.3), N 1 covers the case where between the positions j′⋅ℓ+j+1 and (j′+1)⋅ℓ+j no new state m+1 is introduced, and N 2 covers the cases where at some position J between the positions j′⋅ℓ+j+1 and (j′+1)⋅ℓ+j, the state m+1 is introduced. In the case where j′=m, since N(m,(j′+1)⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1)=0 by the definition of the base case that also complies with the rule (A2), the equation is different in order to take into account the remaining positions until position m⋅ℓ−1. This is reflected in (A.4).
The next lemma tells that the function N(⋅) defined above, correctly counts the strings satisfying rules (A1)–(A4).
Lemma A.1
For ℓ,k,m,n,j′,j,n 0,…,n ℓ−1∈ℕ with 1≤m≤n, the number N(m,j′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) is the number of strings of length (n+1)⋅ℓ satisfying rules (A1)–(A4), with a prefix s 0…s j′⋅ℓ+j , where exactly the states in [1,m] occur up to the position j′⋅ℓ+j, and for each i∈[0,ℓ−1], and p∈[0,j′⋅ℓ+j], it holds that |{s p | p=i (mod ℓ)}|=n i .
We proceed by inverse induction on m to show that the statement above holds. For the base case, let m=n. Notice that if m=n+1, N(n+1,J,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1)=0 for all values of the other parameters. We show that N(n,J,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) is the number of strings described by the lemma. For J≥(n+1)⋅ℓ, N(n,J,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1)=0, as required by the rules. We proceed by inverse induction on J≤(n+1)⋅ℓ−1.
If J=n⋅ℓ+j for some j∈[0,ℓ−1], then
by (A.2), which is the correct number according to the rules (A1)–(A2).
For the inductive case, suppose that for all r>J′ for some J′<n⋅ℓ, N(n,r,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) for all n i with \(n=\sum_{i=0}^{\ell -1}n_{i}\), is the correct number of strings. Consider the number N(n,J′,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1). If for any i∈[0,ℓ−1], n i >k then this number is equal to 0 which complies with the rule (A3) of strings. Suppose then that for all i∈[0,ℓ−1], n i ≤k and let \(J'=J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}\), for \(J'_{0},J'_{1}\in\mathbb{N}\) and \(J'_{0}\) maximal. Notice that, since all states [1,n] occur at a position up to position J′, no state number can appear in the string at a position to the right of the position J′ that has not appeared to the left or exactly at the position J′. Therefore, from the rules (A3) and (A4), each position to the right of position J′ can be occupied by states that have already appeared before that position, and furthermore, have appeared at positions associated with the appropriate label. Consider therefore, the next ℓ positions, starting with \(J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}+1\). For this position there are \(n_{J'_{1}+1 \ (\mathrm {mod}\ \ell)}\) possible values for the string to comply with the rules (A1)–(A4). Similarly, for the position \(J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}+2\) there are \(n_{J'_{1}+2 \ (\mathrm {mod}\ \ell)}\) possible symbols, and so on, until position \(J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}+\ell=(J'_{0}+1)\cdot\ell+J'_{1}\) for which there are \(n_{J'_{1}}\) possible values. By the inductive hypothesis, \(N(n,J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}+\ell,n,n_{0},\ldots,n_{\ell-1})\) is the number of possible strings with a prefix \(s_{0},\ldots,s_{(J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}+\ell)}\), that satisfy the rules (A1)–(A4) and exactly the states [1,n] appear up to position \(J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1}+\ell\). Therefore, \(N(n,J'_{0}\cdot\ell+J'_{1},n,n_{0},\ldots,n_{\ell-1})=n_{0}\cdot\ldots \cdot n_{\ell-1}\cdot N(n,(J'_{0}+1)\cdot\ell+J'_{1},n,n_{0},\ldots,n_{\ell-1})\), which is also what N 1 is defined to be according to (A.3). Notice that N 2=0, according to (A.1), which complies with the fact that no new state can appear to the right of J′.
Suppose then that for some M<n and all m>M, the number N(m,J,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1), for all n i such that \(m=\sum_{i=0}^{\ell-1}n_{i}\), is the correct number for all J∈ℕ, and consider the value of N(M,J′,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) for the different values of J′∈ℕ. We show that this is the correct number of strings. First, for J′≥(M+1)⋅ℓ, the number N(M,J′,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) is equal to 0 which complies with rule (A2). We proceed by inverse induction on J′<(M+1)⋅ℓ. For the base cases, suppose \(J'=M\cdot\ell+J'_{1}\), for \(J'_{1}\in[0,\ell-1]\). Then, \(N(M,M\cdot\ell+J'_{1},n,n_{0},\ldots,n_{\ell-1})\) is determined by (A.4). By rule (A2), the number of strings where exactly the states [1,M] appear at positions up to \(M\cdot\ell+J'_{1}\) is equal to the sum of the number of strings where state M+1 appears for the first time in some position in the next \(\ell-J'_{1}-1\) positions, and this is the number given by (A.4).
For the inductive hypothesis, suppose that N(M,r,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1), for all n i such that \(M=\sum _{i=0}^{\ell}n_{i}\), is the correct number of strings for all r>J′ for some J′<M⋅ℓ. Consider N(M,J′,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1). If for any i∈[0,ℓ−1], n i >k then this number is equal to 0 which complies with the rule (A3) of strings.
Otherwise, the possible strings with n states that satisfy rules (A1)–(A4) and with prefix s 0⋯s J′, where exactly the states [1,M] occur at positions up to position J′, are the following. Either, M+1 does not appear in the following ℓ positions to the right of J′, or it appears in at least one of them. For the first case, the number of possible strings is n 0⋅…⋅n ℓ−1⋅N(M,J′+ℓ,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1), where by the inductive hypothesis, N(M,J′+ℓ,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) is the correct number of the appropriate strings. This is the number given by the term N 1 of (A.3). For the second case, let J′=J 0⋅ℓ+J 1 and let us consider all possible ℓ positions to the right of position J′ where the state M+1 appears for the first time. Suppose that this position is J′+i for i∈[1,ℓ]. Then, the number of possible strings complying with rules (A1)–(A4) is the following. For position J′+1 there are \(n_{J_{1}+1 \ (\mathrm {mod}\ \ell)}\) possible values, for position J′+2 there are \(n_{J_{1}+2 \ (\mathrm {mod}\ \ell)}\) possible values, and so on until the position J′+i which is labeled by M+1. The number of allowed strings with prefix s 0⋯s J′+i , and where the states [1,M+1] appear at positions up to position J′+i, is given by \(N(M+1,J'+i,n,n_{0},\ldots,n_{J_{1}+i \ (\mathrm {mod}\ \ell)},\ldots,n_{\ell-1})\), by the inductive hypothesis. Considering all possible values where the new symbol can appear, we get a sum equal to the term N 2 of (A.3). Notice that any string counted in one of the terms of this sum, is not counted in any other term of this sum. Therefore, N(M,J′,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) is equal to N 1+N 2, which is what is described by (A.3). □
We next show that N(⋅) also correctly counts the number of objects in the specification given in Fig. 3.
Lemma A.2
Let ℓ,k,m,n,j′,j,n 0,…,n ℓ−1∈ℕ, ℓ<m. The number of objects in \(\mathcal {S}_{m}^{(j',j)}[\overline {W}^{m}]\) is equal to N(m,j′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1), where for each i∈[0,ℓ−1], n i =|W i |.
Firstly, for m>n, N(m,j′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1)=0 and there are no objects in \(\mathcal {S}_{m}^{(j',j)}[\overline{W}^{m}]\). We proceed by reverse induction on m≤n to show that the statement holds.
Suppose first that m=n. Then for all j′>m=n, N(n,j′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1)=0, and \(\mathcal {S}_{n}^{(j',j)}[\overline{W}^{n}]\) has no objects. We then show that the statement holds by reverse induction on j′≤m=n.
For the base cases, suppose that j′=n and j∈[0,ℓ−1]. Then \(\mathcal{S}_{n}^{(n,j)}[\overline{W}^{n}]:= \prod_{i=j+1}^{\ell-1} \mathcal{W}_{i}\), and \(N(n, n\cdot\ell+j,n,n_{0},\ldots,n_{\ell-1}) = \prod _{i=j+1}^{\ell-1} n_{i}\). For each i in [0,ℓ−1], the number of objects in \(\mathcal {W}_{i}\) is equal to n i , and hence the statement holds for j′=n.
Next, assume that the statement holds for m=n and j′>J′ for some J′<n and consider the case where j′=J′ and j∈[0,ℓ−1]. The class \(\mathcal{S}_{n}^{(J',j)}[\overline{W}^{n}]\) is given by Q 1+Q 2, and N(n,J′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1) is given by N 1+N 2. Consider first Q 1 and N 1. The class Q 1 is defined as
and for m=n,
From the inductive hypothesis, we may conclude that the number of objects in Q 1 is equal to N 1 for m=n, j′=J′ and j∈[0,ℓ−1].
Similarly, for m=n and j′=J′, the class Q 2 is empty by the equation
and N 2 is defined to be equal to
We have that Q 2 is undefined whereas N called for n+1 is equal to 0 by definition. Hence, the number of objects in Q 1+Q 2 is equal to N 1+N 2 for m=n and j′=J′, and hence the statement holds.
Suppose next that the statement holds for all m>M for some M<n, and consider the case where m=M. For all j′>M, N(M,j′⋅ℓ+j,n,n 0,…,n ℓ−1)=0, and \(\mathcal {S}_{M}^{(j',j)}[\overline{W}^{M}]\) has no objects. We then show that the statement holds by reverse induction on j′≤M.
For the base cases, let j′=M, and j∈[0,ℓ−1]. Then, we have that the class \(\mathcal{S}_{M}^{(j',j)}[\overline{W}^{M}]\) is defined by
whose number of elements is equal to
by the inductive hypothesis. Finally, assume that the statement holds for all j′>J′ for some J′<M, and consider the case where j′=J′. The class \(\mathcal{S}_{M}^{(J',j)}[\overline{W}^{M}]\) is defined by the equation Q 1+Q 2. Since
its number of elements is equal to
by the inductive hypothesis. Similarly, the number of elements in Q 2 defined by
is equal to
by the inductive hypothesis. □
Clearly, since N(⋅) both correctly counts strings and the corresponding objects in the specification, the lemma readily follows.
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Antonopoulos, T., Geerts, F., Martens, W. et al. Generating, Sampling and Counting Subclasses of Regular Tree Languages. Theory Comput Syst 52, 542–585 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-012-9428-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-012-9428-x