Gene duplication and gene loss as well as other biological events can result in multiple copies of genes in a given species. Because of these gene duplication and loss dynamics, in addition to variation in sequence evolution and other sources of uncertainty, different gene trees ultimately present different evolutionary histories. All of this together results in gene trees that give different topologies from each other, making consensus species trees ambiguous in places. Other sources of data to generate species trees are also unable to provide completely resolved binary species trees. However, in addition to gene duplication events, speciation events have provided some underlying phylogenetic signal, enabling development of algorithms to characterize these processes. Therefore, a soft parsimony algorithm has been developed that enables the mapping of gene trees onto species trees and modification of uncertain or weakly supported branches based on minimizing the number of gene duplication and loss events implied by the tree. The algorithm also allows for rooting of unrooted trees and for removal of in-paralogues (lineage-specific duplicates and redundant sequences masquerading as such). The algorithm has also been made available for download as a software package, Softparsmap.
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We are grateful to Jens Lagergren for helpful discussions and also to three anonymous reviewers for their comments. This work was funded by Vetenskapsrådet, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, and FUGE, the Norwegian national functional genomics platform.
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[Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rafael Zardoya]
Ann-Charlotte Berglund-Sonnhammer and Pär Steffansson contributed equally to this work.
Appendix: Mathematical Properties of the Soft Parsimony Algorithm
Appendix: Mathematical Properties of the Soft Parsimony Algorithm
Definitions and Notation
A tree T is a connected graph with no cycles, and consists of a vertex set V(T) and an edge set E(T). The leaves of a tree are the vertices with degree 1, and the leaf set of T is denoted L(T), which is a subset of V(T). A tree T is rooted if there is exactly one distinguished vertex, the root, which is denoted r(T). For a rooted tree T, a child of a vertex u ∈ V(T) is denoted \( c_i^T (u) \), and the set of children for a vertex u in T is denoted C T(u). The rooted subtree of T rooted at u ∈ V(T) is denoted T u . The planted subtree rooted at u containing only the child vertex c i (u) is denoted \( T_{uc_i } (u) \). Further, for a nonroot vertex v ∈ V(T), let p T(v) be the parent of v. For any u, v ∈ V(T), let v ≤ T u if v ∈ V(T u ) and let v <T u if \( v \in V(T_u )\backslash \{ u\} \). A rooted tree T is binary if all interior vertices have two children and an unrooted tree is binary if all interior vertices are connected to three other vertices. For a tree T, d = (L 1, L 2) is a split in T if there exists an edge e ∈ E(T) such that L 1, L 2 are the two leaf sets of the trees formed when e is removed. Given a tree T and a set of vertices \( V^{\prime} \subseteq V(T) \), let LCA T(V′) be the last common ancestor of the vertices in V′. Tree indexes are omitted whenever it is clear from the context, and trees are rooted if else is not specified.
A species tree S is a phylogenetic tree that describes the relationship between extant species. A gene tree G is a phylogenetic tree with a leaf labeling function σ:L(G)→L(S). The leaves in G represent genes and the leaves in S represent extant species, and thus a gene g ∈ L(G) belongs to the genome of species σ(g). We denote the set of all extant genomes that are represented by the leaves of the gene tree \( \sum {(G)} = \cup _{g \in L(G)} \sigma (g) \). For two rooted gene trees G and G′, the leaf g 1∈L(G) equals the leaf g 2 ∈ L(G′) if g 1 and g 2 are representing the same gene. The internal vertex g 1 ∈V(G)\L(G) equals g 2∈V(G′)\L(G′) if \( L(G_{g_1 } ) = L(G^{\prime}_{g_2 } ). \) Further, G is said to refine G′ if for every g 2∈V(G′) there exists a g 1∈V(G) such that g 1 = g 2. Goodman et al. (1979) introduced a mapping m, mapping the vertices in the gene tree to the vertices in the species tree. More precisely, given a species tree S and a gene tree G, m is a surjective mapping such that for all, \( g\in V(G),m(g) = LCA^S (\sum {(G_g )} ) \).
Gene Duplication and Gene Loss
Here we introduce a new soft parsimony mapping for uncertain species trees and binary gene trees. Further, we define how to compute gene duplication and gene loss events using this mapping.
Given a species tree S and a rooted binary gene tree G such that Σ(G) = L(S), let M be the mapping M: V(G)→2V(S) such that
For any g ∈ V(G) such that m(g) ∈ L(S), M(g) = {m(g)}.
For any g ∈ V(G) such that m(g) ∉ L(S), \( M(g)= {\left\{ x \in C^S (m(g))|\exists g^{\prime} \in V(G), g^{\prime} < ^G g \wedge m(g^{\prime}) \le^s x \right\}} \) and define \( Z(g) = \cup _{s \in M(g)} L(S_s ) \).
Each mapping M for a given gene tree and species tree describes a hypothesis of how the gene tree evolved with respect to the species tree and, thus, which gene tree vertices are duplication events and which are speciation events.
For any interior vertex g 1∈V(G)\L(G) the number of duplications associate with g is
and the total number of duplications for G is
The number of losses associated with a vertex g∈V(G) and one of its two children c i (g)∈V(G) is defined as
Then the number of losses assigned to an interior vertex g∈V(G)\L(G) and the total number of losses in the gene tree is
Uncertain Gene Trees
In many real gene trees, vertices with more then two children exist. Here we present a heuristic algorithm for computing the minimum number of duplications and losses over the set of all gene trees refining the given gene tree. Duplications are prioritized before losses.
Let G be any gene tree, and let S be a species tree, such that Σ(G) = L(S). The set of binary gene trees that refine G is denoted BG G. Moreover, the set of trees in BG G that have the minimum number of duplications is denoted \( BG_{min }^{(S,\;G)} \) and can be expressed as \( BG_{min}^{(S,\;G)}=\{ H^{\prime} \in BG^G\mathop{|\forall}\limits^{\ \ min} H \in BG^G,\, {Dup^{(S,\;H^{\prime})}} \le {Dup^{(S,\;H)}}\mathop{\}}\limits^{min}\)
The minimization of the number of losses is constrained by the minimum number of duplications. Thus, the numbers of duplications and losses are defined as
\( Dup_{min }^{(S,\;G)} =Dup_{}^{(S,\;H)} \;{\rm where} \;H \in BG^{(S,\;G)} \) and \( Loss_{min}^{(S,\;G)} =Minimum_{H \in BG_{min}^{(S,\;G) Loss^{(S,\;H)}}} \)
Computing the number of duplications \( Dup_{min }^{(S,\;G)} \) is NP-complete (see Theorem A4), but for our heuristic approach, described below, duplications can be computed in polynomial time.
Since our model assumes that the number of duplications at a vertex g ∈ V(G)\L(G) is independent of the number of duplications at any other vertex g′ ∈ V(G)\L(G), we can calculate the number of duplications at the vertices of G in any order. The algorithm computing duplications is based on Theorem A1.
Theorem A1. Let S be a species tree, let G be a gene tree such that Σ(G) = L(S). For all g ∈ V(G)\L(G), denote A(g) to be all possible partitions of the set C G(g) = {g 1 ,...,g n }, let \( A^{\prime} (g) = \{ PA \in A(g)\left| {\forall D \in PA,\;\forall g_i ,\;g_j } \right. \in D;\;Z(g_i ) \cap Z(g_j ) = \phi \; \vee i = j\} \) and let \( A^{\prime} _{min}(g) = \{ PA \in A^{\prime} (g)\left| {\forall PA^{\prime} \in \;A^{\prime} } \right.(g);PA \le PA{^\prime} \} \). Then \( Dup_{min}^{(S,\;G)} = {\sum_{g \in V(G)\backslash L(G)} {\left| {PA(g)} \right|} - 1} \) where PA(g)∈ A′ min (g). In order to prove Theorem A1 the following lemmas are needed.
Lemma A2. Given a gene tree G and a species tree S such that Σ(G) ⫅ ⊆ L(S), then for all g, g 1 = V (G), such that g = p (g 1 ) it holds that Z(g 1) ⫅ ⊆ Z(g).
Proof. Let G be a gene tree and S a species tree such that Σ(G) ⫅ ⊆ L(S), and let g, g 1∈V(G), such that g = p (g 1). Then the vertex set of \( G_{g_1 } \) is a subset of the vertex set of G g , which by the definition of the set Σ gives Σ(\( G_{g_1 } \)) ⫅ ⊆ Σ(G g ), and further m(g 1) ≤S m(g). Consequently, for all s∈M (g 1) there exists s′∈M(g) for which S ≤S S′, and thus Z(g 1) ⫅ ⊆ Z(g).
For a species tree S, a gene tree G, a gene tree G′∈BG G, let the notation (g 11,g 12:g 1)g 2 :g 0 be an up triplet in G′ if g 0, g 1, g 2, g 11, g 12∈V(G′), g 1 = p (g 11) = p(g 12), g0 = p(g 1) = p(g 2), g 1∈V(G′)\V(G), dup (S, G′) (g 1) = 1, and dup (S, G′)(g 0) = 0.
Lemma A3. Let S be a species tree and let G be a gene tree such that Σ(G) = L(S), then for every gene tree G′∈BG G there exists a gene tree G′′∈BG G such that Dup (S, G′) = Dup (S, G′′) and G′′ do not contain any up triplets.
Proof. G′′ is computed through following steps.
Let G n = G′, where n = 1.
Find an up triplet (g 11, g 12:g 1) g 2:g 0 in G n. If no up triplet exists, then G′′ = G n.
We know that \( dup^{( {S,G^n})} ( {g_1 } ) = 1 \), \( dup^{( {S,G^n })} ({g_0 }) = 0 \), and since \( dup^{( {S,G^n})} ( {g_1 } ) = 1 \) it follows that \( \left| {Z\left( {g_{11} } \right) \cap Z\left( {g_{12} } \right)} \right| > 0 \). According to Lemma A2 \( Z\left( {g_{12} } \right) \subseteq Z\left( {g_1 } \right) \), and since \( dup^{( {S,G^n })} ({g_0 }) = 0 \), it follows that \( 0 = \left| {Z\left( {g_1 } \right) \cap Z\left( {g_2 } \right)} \right| \ge \left| {Z\left( {g_{12} } \right) \cap Z\left( {g_2 } \right)} \right| = 0 \). Consequently, it is possible to move the duplication associated with vertex g 1 one edge closer to the root of G n by creating the following tree. Let G n+1 denote the tree obtained when we take G n and exchange places with the rooted subtrees \( G_{g_{11} }^n \) and \( G_{g_2 }^n \). Note that \( Dup^{\left( {S,G^n } \right)} = Dup^{\left( {S,G{n + 1} } \right)} \). Set n: = n + 1 and resume at 2.
Theorem A1 can now be proven.
Proof. According to Lemma A3, we know that for any \( G^{\prime} \in BS_{min}^{\left( {S,G} \right)} \) it is possible to compute gene tree \( G^{\prime \prime }\in BS_{min}^{\left( {S,G} \right)} \) such that no up triplet exists in G′′. Now for every gene vertex g ∈ V(G), let PA(g) be the partition computed using G′′ in following steps.
Locate the gene vertices g′, g′1, ⋖ , g′ n ∈ N(G′′) such that g′ = g, g′1 = g 1, ⋖ , g′ n = g n where C G(g) = {g 1, ⋖ , g n }.
If \( dup^{( {S, G^{\prime \prime}})} ( g^{\prime} ) = 0 \), then let PA(g) = {g 1 , ⋖ , g n } and we are done.
Let L be list such that L = {g′ 1 , ⋖ , g′ n } and PA′ (g) be an empty set.
Set g′ t to be the first gene vertex in L.
If \( dup^{( {S{\rm{,}}G{^{\prime \prime }} } )} ( {p( {g^{\prime} _t } )} ) = 0 \), set g′ t to be p(g′ t ) and resume at 5.
Let \( D^{\prime} _i = \left\{ {g^{\prime \prime} \in \left\{ {g^{\prime} _1 , \ldots ,g^{\prime} _n } \right\}\left| {g^{{\prime \prime}}\le } \right.g^{\prime }_t } \right\} \), add D′ i , to PA′(g), and remove the gene vertices in D′ i from L. If |L| > 0, resume at 4.
From Lemma A3 nd the above steps it holds that PA (g) ∈ A′(g). Furthermore, if PA (g) ∉ A′ min (g), then a binary gene tree with fewer duplications then G′′ could be constructed, but \( G^{{\prime \prime }}\in BS_{min}^{\left( {S,G} \right)} \) and thus it must hold that PA (g) ∈ A′ min (g). Consequently, for every gene tree \( G^{\prime }\in BS_{min}^{\left( {S,G} \right)} \) and for all g∈N (G)\L(G), there exists a minimum partition PA (g) ∈ A′ min (g) such that \( Dup_{\min }^{\left( {S,G} \right)} = Dup_{\min }^{\left( {S,G^{\prime} } \right)} = \sum\nolimits_{g \in N\left( G \right)\backslash L\left( G \right)} {\left| {PA\left( g \right)} \right|} - 1 \).
Inferring the number of duplications at a gene tree vertex
Let G be gene tree and S species tree, such that σ(G) = L(S). Then for gene tree vertex g∈V (G)\L(G), let A g = C G(g) and let P g be an empty list of sets of gene tree vertices.
For all gene tree vertices in A g ,
Pick a gene tree vertex g i ∈A g such that for all g j ∈A g it holds that \( | {Z\left( {g_j } \right)} | \le | {Z\left( {g_i } \right)} | \).
Put g i in the first set p k ∈ P g such that for all other gene tree vertices g k in p k it holds tha \( Z\left( {g_k } \right) \cap Z\left( {g_i } \right) = \phi \).
Let A g = A g \{g i }.
If A g is empty goto 4, otherwise goto 2.
Set A g = C G(g) and P g to an empty list of sets. For all gene tree vertices in A g ,
pick a gene tree vertex g i ∈A g at random.
Put g i in the first set p k of P g such that for all other gene tree vertices g k in p k it holds that \( Z\left( {g_k } \right) \cap Z\left( {g_i } \right) = \phi \).
Let g i(k) denote gene vertex g i in set p k , if \( \left| { \cap _k \left( { \cup _i Z\left( {g_{i\left( k \right)} } \right)} \right)} \right| \ge 1 \) then a minimum partition is reached. The number of duplications equals the number of sets in P g minus one.
If it is possible to create a set L g of gene vertices by taking exactly one gene vertex from every set p k in P g such that for any two gene vertices \( g_i ,\;g_j \in L_g \left| {Z\left( {g_k } \right) \cap Z\left( {g_i } \right)} \right| \ge 1 \), then a minimum partition is reached. The number of duplications equals the number of sets in P g minus one.
If we have not reached the maximum number of rebuilds, goto 3. Otherwise the method has failed.
Inferring the number of losses at a gene tree vertex
Let G be a gene tree and S a species tree, such that Σ(G) = L(S). Then for a gene tree vertex g ∈ V(G)\L(G), let P g be the partition as given from the duplication algorithm. The objective is to build a rooted binary gene tree \( G_{g_0 } \) with \( L\left( {G_{g_0 } } \right) = C^G \left( g \right) \), such that for every \( g_i \in L\left( {G_{g_0 } } \right) \) and its corresponding g j ∈ C G(g), it holds that M(g i ) = M(g j ). We wish to construct a gene tree \( G_{g_0 } \) such that the number of losses is less then or equal to any other binary gene tree constructed with the vertices in C G(g) as leaves. However, the method proposed here is approximate, which means that there might exist another binary gene tree constructed with the same set of leaves that gives fewer losses. The gene tree \( G_{g_0 } \) is then used in equations (A3)–(A5) to calculate the minimum number of losses associated with the gene tree vertex g. Let L g be an empty sorted set of gene vertices such that for any two gene vertices g i , g j , ∈ L g , g i is before g j if \( \left| {Z( {g_i }) } \right| | {Z( {g_j } )} | \).
For every set in P g ,
build a gene tree \( G_{g_i } \) using the splits found in the species tree. Denote the root g i and add g i to L g .
If there is more then one gene vertex in L g resume at 3. Else,
let g 0 be the gene vertex in L g ,
set \( G_{g_0 } = G_{g_i } \) and find locally the mapping M that puts the duplications as close to the leaves as possible. Resume at 5.
Let j = 1.
Let g 0, g j ∈ L g be the roots of the first pair of subtrees for which a new gene tree \( G_{g_k } \) can be constructed by adding a gene tree vertex g k and two edges such that g k = p(g 0) = p(g j ).
For \( G_{g_k } \) find locally the mapping M that puts the duplications one step closer to the leaves. If no such mapping can be found, let j = j + l and resume at 3. l.
Remove g 0, g j from L g and add g k to L g . Resume at 2.
Let g 0, g 1 ∈ L g be the roots of the first pair of subtrees in L g . Construct a new gene tree \( G_{g_k } \) by adding a gene tree vertex g k and two edges such that g k = p(g 0) = p(g 1).
Remove g 0, g 1 from L g and add g k to L g . Resume at 2.
Compute the losses of \( G_{g_0 } \) by using equation (A7).
In different steps of the loss algorithm it says that we find locally the mapping M that puts duplications as close to the leaves as possible. That is done in the following way. For each triplet (g 11, g 12:g 1) g 2:g 0, i.e., rooted tree with three leaves, in \( G_{g_0 } \) the mapping M is found such that duplications are assigned to vertices as close to the leaves as possible. This is successful if the root of the triplet is labeled as a duplication event and g 1 is not, and if we can swap g 1i and g 2 without increasing the number of duplication events occurring in the triplet.
The problem of computing the minimum number of duplications over the set of all gene trees refining a given gene tree using the soft parsimony mapping can be formulated as follows.
Uncertain Gene Tree (UGT)
Instance: A species tree S, a gene tree G such that Σ(G) = L(S), and an integer D. Question: Does a gene tree G′ exist such that G′ refines G and Dup (S,G′) ≤ D?
Theorem A4. UGT is NP-complete.
Proof. UGT belong to NP since given an instance of the problem and a certificate in the form of a binary gene tree G′, the answer of the question is Dup (S,G′)≤ D which can be computed in polynomial time. To prove it to be NP-hard, we reduce the Partition into Cliques problem (Garey and Johnson 1979) to UGT.
The Partition into Cliques problem
Given an undirected graph P = (V, E) and a positive integer K ≤ |V|, can the vertices in P be partitioned into k ≤ K disjoint sets V l,V 2,⋖,V k such that for each V i , i = l, 2,⋖,k, the subgraph P i = (V i , E i ) induced by V i is a clique (Garey and Johnson 1979)?
Let P = (V, E) be any graph. Moreover, let S be a species tree and G a gene tree, for which there exists a bijection γ:V→C(r(G)) such that for all v i , v j ∈ V, it holds that \( \left| {Z\left( {\gamma \left( {v_i } \right)} \right) \cap Z\left( {\gamma \left( {v_j } \right)} \right)} \right| = 0 \) if and only if the edge (v i , v j ) exists in the edge set of P. A rooted gene tree G and a rooted species tree S that satisfy these conditions can be constructed as follows. Let P′ = (V′, E′) be the complement of P. Let the species tree S have one internal vertex, the root s = r(S), such that the child set of s is the leaves of S, i.e., C S(s) = L(S), and define an injective function ρ that maps the edges in the graph P to the leaves of the species tree, i.e., ρ:E′→L(S). The gene tree G has root vertex g = r(G), where \( \left| {C^G \left( g \right)} \right| = \left| {V^{\prime }} \right| \) and γ(v i ) = g i for all g i ∈ C G(g). For every g i ∈ C G(g) add a gene vertex g ir for every edge e r = (v i , v j ) ∈ E′ and set σ(g ir ) = ρ(e r ). For all g i ∈ C G(g) such that \( \left| {C^G \left( {g_i } \right)} \right| < 2 \) add a gene vertex g ij under g i and a species vertex s j under the root vertex s, and set σ(g ij ) = s j . Furthermore, for any certificate V l,V 2,⋖,V k , a certificate G′ can be constructed such that \( Dup^{(S,G^{\prime })} + 1 \le \left| {\left\{ {V_{\rm{1}} ,V_2 , \ldots ,V_k } \right\}} \right| \). Construct a gene tree G′′ refining G, by, for every \( V_i \in \left\{ {V_1 ,V_2 , \ldots,V_k} \right\} \), adding a gene vertex g′ i under the root g′ = r(G′′) and, for every v r ∈ V i , adding \( G_{\gamma \left( {v_r } \right)} \) under g′ i . Then let G′ be any binary gene tree refining G′′. Thus, for any graph P and any positive integer K ≤ |V|, an integer D = K − 1, a gene tree G, and a species tree S can be constructed in polynomial time such that UGT gives the same answer as Partition into Cliques.
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Berglund-Sonnhammer, AC., Steffansson, P., Betts, M.J. et al. Optimal Gene Trees from Sequences and Species Trees Using a Soft Interpretation of Parsimony. J Mol Evol 63, 240–250 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00239-005-0096-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00239-005-0096-1