This paper deals with the assessment of the maintenance cost and the performance of a system under a finite planning horizon. The system is subject to two dependent causes of failure: internal degradation and sudden shocks. We assume that internal degradation follows a gamma process. When the deterioration level of the degradation process exceeds a threshold, a degradation failure occurs. Sudden shocks arrive at the system following a doubly stochastic Poisson process (DSPP). A sudden shock provokes the system failure. A condition-based maintenance (CBM) with periodic inspection times is implemented. Recursive methods combining numerical integration and Monte Carlo simulation are developed to evaluate the expected cost rate and its standard deviation. Also, recursive methods to calculate the reliability, the availability and the interval reliability of the system are given. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the analytical results.
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The authors thank two anonymous referees and associate editor for comments and suggestions which have improved the paper. This research was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (Project MTM2015-63978-P), Gobierno de Extremadura, Spain (Project GR15106) and European Union (European Regional Development Funds). Funding for a Ph.D. grant comes from Fundación Valhondo (Spain).
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Appendix A
For \(t<T\), \(E\left[ C(t)\right] \) is given by
That is,
For \(t\ge T\), \(E\left[ C(t)\right] \) is conditioned to D
Thus, if \(D>t\)
If \(D\le t\), \(E\left[ C(t)\right] \) can be split into two terms: the cost in the first renewal cycle \(\left( C(D)\right) \) and the cost in the remaining time horizon \(\left( C(D,t)\right) \). Since C(D) and C(D, t) are independent, we get
Since C(D, t) is stochastically the same as \(C(t-D)\),
Hence, \(E\left[ C(t)\right] \) verifies the following recursive equation:
and the result holds.
Appendix B
For \(t<T\), the expected square cost, \(E\left[ C(t)^2\right] \), is given by
That is,
For \(t\ge T\), \(E\Big [C(t)^2\Big ]\) is conditioned to D
where \(P_{D}\) is given by (9). On the other hand,
Developing the expression
Following the same reasoning as in “Appendix A”,
Hence, \(E\left[ C(t)^2\right] \) verifies the following recursive equation:
and the result holds.
Appendix C
For \(t<T\), A(t) is given by
For \(t\ge T\), A(t) is conditioned to the time to the first renewal
If \(D>t\)
That is
If \(D\le t\),
Then, for \(t\ge T\), A(t) verifies the following recursive equation:
and the result holds.
Appendix D
For \(t<T\), there is no maintenance action on [0, t]; hence, R(t) is equal to A(t).
For \(t\ge T\), R(t) is conditioned to the time of the first replacement
If \(D>t\)
If \(D\le t\),
Then, for \(t\ge T\), R(t) verifies the following recursive equation:
and the result holds.
Appendix E
For \((t+s)<T\), there is no maintenance action on \([0, t+s]\); hence, \(IR(t,t+s)\) is equal to \(R(t+s)\). For \(t+s\ge T\), \(IR(t,t+s)\) is conditioned to the time of the first replacement
If \(D\ge t+s\)
If \(t<D<t+s\)
If \(D\le t\)
Then, for \(t+s\ge T\), \(IR(t,t+s)\) verifies the following recursive equation:
and the result holds.
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Caballé, N.C., Castro, I.T. Assessment of the maintenance cost and analysis of availability measures in a finite life cycle for a system subject to competing failures. OR Spectrum 41, 255–290 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00291-018-0521-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00291-018-0521-7