In this article, we report on challenges and potential methodologies to support the design and validation of multisensory techniques. Such techniques can be used for enhancing engagement in immersive systems. Yet, designing effective techniques requires careful analysis of the effect of different cues on user engagement. The level of engagement spans the general level of presence in an environment, as well as the specific emotional response to a set trigger. Yet, measuring and analyzing the actual effect of cues is hard as it spans numerous interconnected issues. In this article, we identify the different challenges and potential validation methodologies that affect the analysis of multisensory cues on user engagement. In doing so, we provide an overview of issues and potential validation directions as an entry point for further research. The various challenges are supported by lessons learned from a pilot study, which focused on reflecting the initial validation methodology by analyzing the effect of different stimuli on user engagement.
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Kruijff, E., Marquardt, A., Trepkowski, C. et al. Designed emotions: challenges and potential methodologies for improving multisensory cues to enhance user engagement in immersive systems. Vis Comput 33, 471–488 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1294-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1294-0