This paper proposes a biologically plausible matching method to recognize general shapes based on contour curvature information. The human visual system recognizes general shapes flexibly in real-world scenes through the ventral pathway. The pathway is typically modeled using artificial neural networks. These network models, however, do not construct a shape representation that satisfies the following required constraints: (1) The original shape should be represented by a group of partitioned contours in order to retrieve the whole shape (global information) from the partial contours (local information). (2) Coarse and fine structures of the original shapes should be individually represented in order for the visual system to respond to shapes as quickly as possible based on the least number of their features, and to discriminate between shapes based on detailed information. (3) The shape recognition realized with an artificial visual system should be invariant to geometric transformation such as expansion, rotation, or shear. In this paper, we propose a visual shape representation with geometrically characterized contour partitions described on multiple spatial scales.
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Matsuda, Y., Ogawa, M. & Yano, M. Visual shape representation with geometrically characterized contour partitions. Biol Cybern 106, 295–305 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-012-0496-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-012-0496-4