Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms, reflecting both support and contrary opinions among people who use it. In a recent work, we developed an argumentative approach for analyzing the major opinions accepted and rejected in Twitter discussions. A Twitter discussion is modeled as a weighted argumentation graph where each node denotes a tweet, each edge denotes a relationship between a pair of tweets of the discussion and each node is attached to a weight that denotes the social relevance of the corresponding tweet in the discussion. In the social network Twitter, a tweet always refers to previous tweets in the discussion, and therefore the underlying argument graph obtained is acyclic. However, when in a discussion we group the tweets by author, the graph that we obtain can contain cycles. Based on the structure of graphs, in this work we introduce a distributed algorithm to compute the set of globally accepted opinions of a Twitter discussion based on valued argumentation. To understand the usefulness of our distributed algorithm, we study cases of argumentation graphs that can be solved efficiently with it. Finally, we present an experimental investigation that shows that when solving acyclic argumentation graphs associated with Twitter discussions our algorithm scales at most with linear time with respect to the size of the discussion. For argumentation graphs with cycles, we study tractable cases and we analyze how frequent are these cases in Twitter. Moreover, for the non-tractable cases we analyze how close is the solution of the distributed algorithm with respect to the one computed with the general sequential algorithm, that we have previously developed, that solves any argumentation graph.
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Following the URLs you can access the original tweets. At the time of writing this article the author of the root node was deleted, so the Tweet 0 is not accessible anymore. In the following link you can get the full conversation used for the example in XML format: http://ia.udl.cat/remository/func-startdown/23/.
The pseudocode is written using object-oriented notation, as the Pregel API is written in C++. However, our actual implementation is based on the Pregel implementation found in the Spark distributed programming framework, graphX, which is written in Scala.
A bipartite graph (or bigraph) is a graph whose nodes can be divided into two disjoint sets such that no two graph nodes within the same set are adjacent.
Since both Defeats Graphs and Author’s Defeats Graph are directed graphs, it may occur that an argumentation graph does not contain cycles but it is not bipartite. In this case, we can also use the distributed Algorithm 4.1 to compute its solution.
All the conversations were sampled from the results obtained when searching for tweets with the hashtag #PedroSanchez.
We do not have available a polynomial time algorithm for checking whether a directed graph has even cycles, so we have not checked if there were any no even cycle graphs.
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This work was partially funded by Spanish Project TIN2015-71799-C2-2-P (MINECO/FEDER), by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement 723596 and Grant Agreement 768824, and by 2017 SGR 1537. This research article has received a grant for its linguistic revision from the Language Institute of the University of Lleida (2018 call).
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Alsinet, T., Argelich, J., Béjar, R. et al. A distributed argumentation algorithm for mining consistent opinions in weighted Twitter discussions. Soft Comput 23, 2147–2166 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3380-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3380-x