This study seeks to theorize on and examine the roles of information technology (IT) use for work combined with individual-level culture dimensions, namely power distance and masculinity, in technostress formation. The model is tested with structural equation modeling techniques applied to data collected from 485 employees in China. Results suggest that (1) the extent of IT use for work drives technostress, (2) technostress is further augmented in employees who are high in power distance and masculinity, (3) the effect of IT use on technostress is amplified for employees who are high in power distance and masculinity, and (4) the effect of IT use for work on technostress is influential primarily for employees with above average power distance and masculinity culture values.
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The authors appreciate financial support from Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China (No. 12YJA630089), Guangzhou philosophy and social science development 13th five-year plan project (No. 2016GZYB49) and China Scholarship Council (No. 201308440307) for this project.
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Ma, Y., Turel, O. Information technology use for work and technostress: effects of power distance and masculinity culture dimensions. Cogn Tech Work 21, 145–157 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-018-0503-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-018-0503-1