Ensemble methods represent an effective way to solve supervised learning problems. Such methods are prevalent for learning from evolving data streams. One of the main reasons for such popularity is the possibility of incorporating concept drift detection and recovery strategies in conjunction with the ensemble algorithm. On top of that, successful ensemble strategies, such as bagging and random forest, can be easily adapted to a streaming setting. In this work, we analyse a novel ensemble method designed specially to cope with evolving data streams, namely the streaming random patches (SRP) algorithm. SRP combines random subspaces and online bagging to achieve competitive predictive performance in comparison with other methods. We significantly extend previous theoretical insights and empirical results illustrating different aspects of SRP. In particular, we explain how the widely adopted incremental Hoeffding trees are not, in fact, unstable learners, unlike their batch counterparts, and how this fact significantly influences ensemble methods design and performance. We compare SRP against state-of-the-art ensemble variants for streaming data in a multitude of datasets. The results show how SRP produces a high predictive performance for both real and synthetic datasets. We also show how ensembles of random subspaces can be an efficient and accurate option to SRP and leveraging bagging as we increase the number of base learners. Besides, we analyse the diversity over time and the average tree depth, which provides insights on the differences between local subspace randomization (as in random forest) and global subspace randomization (as in random subspaces). Finally, we analyse the behaviour of SRP when using Naive Bayes as its base learner instead of Hoeffding trees.
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The implementation and instructions are available at https://github.com/hmgomes/StreamingRandomPatches.
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Gomes, H.M., Read, J., Bifet, A. et al. Learning from evolving data streams through ensembles of random patches. Knowl Inf Syst 63, 1597–1625 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-021-01579-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-021-01579-z