Machine learning techniques, including Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), enhance intrusion detection systems by adapting to new threats. However, DRL’s reliance on vulnerable deep neural networks leads to susceptibility to adversarial examples-perturbations designed to evade detection. While adversarial examples are well-studied in deep learning, their impact on DRL-based intrusion detection remains underexplored, particularly in critical domains. This article conducts a thorough analysis of DRL-based intrusion detection’s vulnerability to adversarial examples. It systematically evaluates key hyperparameters such as DRL algorithms, neural network depth, and width, impacting agents’ robustness. The study extends to black-box attacks, demonstrating adversarial transferability across DRL algorithms. Findings emphasize neural network architecture’s critical role in DRL agent robustness, addressing underfitting and overfitting challenges. Practical implications include insights for optimizing DRL-based intrusion detection agents to enhance performance and resilience. Experiments encompass multiple DRL algorithms tested on three datasets: NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CICIoV2024, against gradient-based adversarial attacks, with publicly available implementation code.
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This work was supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate International program and the CRITiCAL chair. It was enabled in part by support provided by Calcul Québec, Compute Ontario, the BC DRI Group, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.
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IoV case study (CICIoV2024)
IoV case study (CICIoV2024)
In this section, we apply our method to the CICIoV2024 dataset. In contrast with the two previous datasets, NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15, which contain data from TCP/IP networks, CICIoV2024 consists of IoV data captured from real car components. Here we demonstrate the applicability of our method to a more recent dataset and a different type of data. More precisely, we focus on the impact of the DRL algorithm used by the detection agent on the robustness. We use all 5 algorithms described in Sect. 3.1 with 4 hidden layer sizes (1, 2, 4, 8) and 4 hidden unit sizes (32, 64, 128, 256), with a total of 80 combinations.
Figure 6 shows a line plot of the FNR for each network width and depth combination. The lines correspond to different DRL algorithms (FGSM and BIM are represented with continuous and dashed lines, respectively). On the other hand, Fig. 5 shows the FNR mean and standard deviation averaged together over all neural network architectures, it is the summarized version of Fig. 6.
First, we observe the performance of DRL agents before adversarial perturbations (\(\epsilon =0\)). Figure 6 shows an FNR equal to 0 for almost all DRL algorithms on all architectures. Our results also show an F1 score equal to 1, demonstrating a perfect classification. These results are due to the relatively simple structure of the CICIoV2024 dataset compared to network datasets, the former consists of 8 values each encoded in one byte and an ID. IoV components are designed to be lightweight and energy-efficient, limiting the size of data communication to the minimum.
Similarly to Fig. 3, Figure 5 shows some variance because the values are averaged over 16 different architectures. We can nonetheless observe the behavioral patterns of DRL algorithms on CICIoV2024. First, we notice that the properties of the datasets disadvantage A2C which ends up with the highest average FNR, reaching an average around 0.8 at \(\epsilon =0.1\). Similarly to previous datasets, DQN, QRDQN, and PPO show comparable performance in terms of robustness. Their FNR evolves similarly and reaches 0.5 to 0.6 when \(\epsilon =0.1\). Finally, TRPO maintains the best robustness to adversarial examples, especially against FGSM, with a low FNR below \(\epsilon =0.6\) and an average FNR of 0.37.
Furthermore, the detailed Fig. 6 shows the specific behavior of the algorithms with different neural network architectures. It shows the relative stability of A2C across architectures, with an FNR increasing starting from around \(\epsilon =0.04\). PPO and TRPO show a similar behavior overall, in addition to a decrease in FNR with larger neural networks (especially 8 hidden layers). Moreover, DQN and QRDQN show a higher sensitivity to adversarial examples on smaller neural networks (up to 4 hidden layers and 64 units), with high FNR values starting from \(\epsilon =0.02\). The two algorithms are also the only ones that reach an FNR equal to 1 on some architectures. Finally, Regardless of the DRL algorithm used, agents with the largest neural network (8 hidden layers of 256 units) achieved the best robustness, with an FNR below 0.4 for all algorithms (except QRDQN against BIM).
In conclusion, the performance of DRL-based intrusion detection is not limited to the network domain, it extends to other critical tasks, and so do their vulnerabilities. In this section, we have shown the efficiency of DRL detection agents in detecting attacks against IoV devices using the CICIoV2024 dataset. Across different architectures, our agents present a perfect detection across almost all DRL algorithms and neural network architectures. These performances are explained by the relative simplicity and lightheartedness of IoV data. However, DRL agents also present similar vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks in IoV. We have shown how gradient-based adversarial examples with a perturbation amplitude \(\epsilon \le 0.1\) could considerably increase the FNR (attacks labeled as benign). This case study on IoV data demonstrates the seriousness of the adversarial examples threat in critical infrastructures and the need for further investigation on the robustness of DRL agents in IoV environments.
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Merzouk, M.A., Neal, C., Delas, J. et al. Adversarial robustness of deep reinforcement learning-based intrusion detection. Int. J. Inf. Secur. 23, 3625–3651 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-024-00903-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-024-00903-2