In this paper, a new time-dependent 2D/3D stochastic closed-loop geothermal system with multiplicative noise is developed and studied. This model considers heat transfer between the free flow in the pipe region and the porous media flow in the porous media region. Darcy’s law and stochastic Navier-Stokes equations are used to control the flows in the pipe and porous media regions, respectively. The heat equation is coupled with the flow equation to describe the heat transfer in these both regions. In order to avoid sub-optimal convergence, a new mixed finite element method is proposed by using the Helmholtz decomposition that drives the multiplicative noise. Then, the stability of the proposed method is proved, and we obtain the optimal convergence order \(o(\Delta t^{\frac{1}{2}}+h)\) of global error estimation. Finally, numerical results indicate the efficiency of the proposed model and the accuracy of the numerical method.
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A Appendix
A Appendix
Proof of Theorem 3.2. In (2.32) - (2.35), let \(t=t_{n+1}\) and \(t=t_{n}\), and then make the difference. Subtract (3.1) - (3.6) from the resulting formula and define \(a_{f}^{n+1}\!=\!\textbf{u}_{f}(t_{n+1})\!-\textbf{u}_{f}^{n+1},b_{f}^{n+1}\!=\!R(t_{n+1})\!-r_{f}^{n+1}, c_{f}^{n+1}\!=\!\theta _{f}(t_{n+1})\!-\theta _{f}^{n+1}; a_{p}^{n+1}\!=\textbf{u}_{p}(t_{n+1})-\textbf{u}_{p}^{n+1},b_{p}^{n}\!=\phi _{p}(t_{n+1})\!-\phi _{p}^{n+1}, c_{p}^{n}\!=\!\theta _{p}(t_{n+1})-\theta _{p}^{n+1}\), we get
Taking \(\textbf{v}_{f}=2a_{f}^{n+1},\varphi =2c_{f}^{n+1};\textbf{v}_{p}=2a_{p}^{n+1},\omega =2c_{p}^{n+1}\), and using the identity \(2(a-b,a)=a^{2}-b^{2}+(a-b)^{2}\), we find that
Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the Young inequality and (2.36), yields
As for the trilinear term, we can bound
Similarly, we can get
Applying the trace inequality, the inverse inequality and (2.36), we obtain
Thanks to the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the Young’s inequality and (2.36), yield the following inequalities
By the definition of the martingale, (2.27), (2.20) and (2.36), we can get
Substitute (A.3) - (A.15) into (A.2), taking the sum from \(n=0\) to \(l-1\), using Gronwall’s lemma, and taking the expectation, we obtain
where \(\gamma >8C_{inv}\). Thus we prove that (3.11).
Decoupling (2.32), let \(t=t_{n+1}\) and \(t=t_{n}\), and then make the difference. Subtract (3.1) from the resulting formula to get
Thus, sum from n=0 to \(l-1\) of the above equations, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, (A.3), (A.8) and (A.15), we gain
Taking the expectation of the above inequality and using the inf-sup condition, we can obtain
which implies (3.11).
Decoupling (2.32), let \(t=t_{n+1}\) and \(t=t_{n}\), and then make the difference. Subtract (3.4) from the resulting formula to get
Thus, sum from \(n=0\) to \(l-1\) of the above equations, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and (A.5), we gain
Taking the expectation of the above inequality and using the inf-sup condition, we can obtain
At this point, the proof of 3.12 is complete.
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Gao, X., Qin, Y. & Li, J. Optimally convergent mixed finite element methods for the time-dependent 2D/3D stochastic closed-loop geothermal system with multiplicative noise. Adv Comput Math 50, 46 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10444-024-10122-x
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10444-024-10122-x