Age estimation using face images is an exciting and challenging task. The traits from the face images are used to determine age, gender, ethnic background, and emotion of people. Among this set of traits, age estimation can be valuable in several potential real-time applications. The traditional hand-crafted methods relied-on for age estimation, cannot correctly estimate the age. The availability of huge datasets for training and an increase in computational power has made deep learning with convolutional neural network a better method for age estimation; convolutional neural network will learn discriminative feature descriptors directly from image pixels. Several convolutional neural net work approaches have been proposed by many of the researchers, and these have made a significant impact on the results and performances of age estimation systems. In this paper, we present a thorough study of the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques which estimate age from human faces. We discuss the popular convolutional neural network architectures used for age estimation, presents a critical analysis of the performance of some deep learning models on popular facial aging datasets, and study the standard evaluation metrics used for performance evaluations. Finally, we try to analyze the main aspects that can increase the performance of the age estimation system in future.

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- Ad:
Asian Face Age Dataset
Biometric Engineering Research Center
Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset
- CNN:
Convolutional Neural Network
- CS:
Cummulative Score
- DEX:
Deep EXpectation
Deep Label Distribution Learning
- ELM:
Extreme Learning Machine
- FC:
Fully Connected
- FG:
Face and Gesture Recognition Network
Group-aware Deep Feature Learning
Human Object Interaction Processing
- IMW:
- KL:
- LAP2015:
Looking At People 2015
- LAP2016:
Looking At People 2016
- LHI:
Lotus Hill Research Institute
- L5:
- L6:
- MAE:
Mean Absolute Error
- MC:
Multi-class Classification
- MP:
- MR:
Metric Regression
Multi-Region Convolutional Neural Network
Ordinal Deep Feature Learning
Ordinal Regression Convolutional Neural Network
- RoR:
Residual Networks of Residual Networks
Visual Geometry Group Network
Waseda human–computer Interaction Technology
- Xception:
Extreme Inception
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Agbo-Ajala, O., Viriri, S. Deep learning approach for facial age classification: a survey of the state-of-the-art. Artif Intell Rev 54, 179–213 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-020-09855-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-020-09855-0