A conference-cum-workshop on Game Theory and Optimization was held at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, during June 6–10, 2016. One of the primary objectives of the event was to commemorate the 75th birthday of Professor T. Parthasarathy, fondly referred to as TP. A special session was devoted to his life and mathematical career. This provided a platform for many of TP’s students and collaborators to share their experiences with the audience. The conference was made possible through funding from the National Mathematics Initiative. Additional funding was received from the Office of Alumni and International Relations, the Departments of Mathematics, and Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras). Following is a brief overview of the contributions to this special issue, a biography of Professor TP, and a list of his publications. The Guest Editors would like to thank all the authors, Annals of Operations Research Editor-in-Chief, Endre Boros, and all referees who provided peer review. This special issue would not have been possible without their valuable time and input.
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List of Publications of Professor T. Parthasarathy
Babu, S., Krishnamurthy, N., & Parthasarathy, T. (2017). Stationary, completely mixed and symmetric optimal and equilibrium strategies in stochastic games. International Journal of Game Theory,46(3), 761–782.
Balaji, R., & Parthasarathy, T. (2007). The Q-property of a multiplicative transformation in semidefinite linear complementarity problems. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra,16, 419–428.
Balaji, R., Parthasarathy, T., Raman, D. S., & Vetrivel, V. (2005). On the Lipschitz continuity of the solution map in semidefinite linear complementarity problems. Mathematics of Operations Research,30(2), 462–471.
Bhimashankaram, P., Parthasarathy, T., Murthy, A. L. N., & Murthy, G. S. R. (2012). Complementarity problems and positive definite matrices. Algorithmic Operations Research,7(2), 94–102.
Biswas, A. K., Parthasarathy, T., Potters, J. A. M., & Voorneveld, M. (1999). Large cores and exactness. Games and Economic Behavior,28(1), 1–12.
Biswas, A. K., Parthasarathy, T., & Ravindran, G. (2001). Stability and largeness of the core. Games and Economic Behavior,34(2), 227–237.
Biswas, A. K., Ravindran, G., & Parthasarathy, T. (2000). Stability and largeness of core for symmetric games. International Journal of Game Theory,29(1), 11–22.
Chandrashekaran, A., Parthasarathy, T., & Ravindran, G. (2010a). On strong Z-matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications,432(4), 964–969.
Chandrashekaran, A., Parthasarathy, T., & Vetrivel, V. (2010b). On the Pl and P2-properties in the semidefinite linear complementarity problem. Linear Algebra and its Applications,432(1), 134–143.
Chandrashekaran, A., Parthasarathy, T., & Vetrivel, V. (2013). Solving strongly monotone linear complementarity problems. International Game Theory Review,15(04), 1340035.
Chin, H., Parthasarathy, T., & Raghavan, T. E. S. (1976). Optimal strategy sets for continuous two person games. Sankhyā Ser. A,38(1), 92–98.
Chin, H. H., Parthasarathy, T., & Raghavan, T. E. S. (1974). Structure of equilibria in N-person non-cooperative games. International Journal of Game Theory,3, 1–19.
Flesch, J., Parthasarathy, T., Thuijsman, F., & Uyttendaele, P. (2013). Evolutionary stochastic games. Dynamic Games and Applications,3(2), 207–219.
Gowda, M. S., Krishnamurthy, N., Parthasarathy, T., Ramanujam, R., & Ravindran, G. (2013). Preface to the special issue on gtora. International Game Theory Review,15(04), 1360001.
Gowda, M. S., Murthy, G. S. R., & Parthasarathy, T. (2001). On the connectedness of solution sets of parametrized equations and of solution sets in linear complementarity problems. In Complementarity: Applications, algorithms and extensions (Madison, WI, 1999) (Vol. 50, pp. 165–177). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Gowda, M. S., & Parthasarathy, T. (2000). Complementarity forms of theorems of Lyapunov and Stein, and related results. Linear Algebra and its Applications,320(1–3), 131–144.
Himmelberg, C. J., Parthasarathy, T., Raghavan, T. E. S., & Van Vleck, F. S. (1977). Existence of p-equilibrium and optimal stationary strategies in stochastic games. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,60(245–251), 1976.
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Himmelberg, C. J., Parthasarathy, T., & Van Vleck, F. S. (1981). On measurable relations. Fundamenta Mathematicae,111(2), 161–167.
Jurg, A. P., Jansen, M. J. M., Parthasarathy, T., & Tijs, S. H. (1990). On weakly completely mixed bimatrix games. Linear Algebra and its Applications,141, 61–74.
Krishnamurthy, N., Parthasarathy, T., & Ravindran, G. (2010). Orderfield property of mixtures of stochastic games. Sankhya A,72(1), 246–275.
Krishnamurthy, N., Parthasarathy, T., & Ravindran, G. (2012). Solving sub- classes of multi-player stochastic games via linear complementarity problem formulations—a survey and some new results. Optimization and Engineering,13(3), 435–457.
Maitra, A., & Parthasarathy, T. (1970). On stochastic games. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,5, 289–300.
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Mohan, S. R., Neogy, S. K., & Parthasarathy, T. (1997a). Linear complemen- tarity and discounted polystochastic game when one player controls transitions. Complementarity and variational problems (Baltimore, MD, 1995) (pp. 284–294). Philadelphia: SIAM.
Mohan, S. R., Neogy, S. K., & Parthasarathy, T. (1997b). Linear complemen- tarity and the irreducible polystochastic game with the average cost criterion when one player controls transitions. Game theoretical applications to economics and operations research (Bangalore, 1996) (Vol. 18, pp. 153–170)., Theory Decis. Lib. Ser. C Game Theory Math. Program. Oper. Res. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Mohan, S. R., Neogy, S. K., & Parthasarathy, T. (1999a). On linear comple- mentarity and a discounted polystochastic game. Stochastic and differential games (Vol. 4, pp. 377–380)., Ann. Internat. Soc. Dynam. Games Boston: Birkhauser.
Mohan, S. R., Neogy, S. K., & Parthasarathy, T. (2001). Pivoting algorithms for some classes of stochastic games: A survey. International Game Theory Review,3, 253. Special issue on operations research and game theory with economic and industrial applications (Chennai, 2000).
Mohan, S. R., Neogy, S. K., Parthasarathy, T., & Sinha, S. (1999b). Vertical linear complementarity and discounted zero-sum stochastic games with ARAT structure. Mathematical Programming,86(3), 637–648.
Mohan, S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sridhar, R. (1992). N matrices and the class Q. Game theory and economic applications (New Delhi, 1990) (Vol. 389, pp. 24–36)., Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems Berlin: Springer.
Mohan, S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sridhar, R. (1994). The linear complementarity problem with exact order matrices. Mathematical Operations Research,19(3), 618–644.
Murthy, G. S. R., & Parthasarathy, T. (1995). Some properties of fully semimonotone, Q0-matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,16(4), 1268–1286.
Murthy, G. S. R., & Parthasarathy, T. (1998). Fully copositive matrices. Mathematical Programming,82(3), 401–411.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Ravindran, G. (1993). A copositive Q-matrix which is not R0. Mathematical Programming,61(1), 131–135.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Ravindran, G. (1995). On co-positive, semi-monotone Q-matrices. Mathematical Programming,68(2), 187–203.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sabatini, M. (1994). A note on negative Lipschitzian matrix. Opsearch,31(3), 237–239.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sabatini, M. (1996). Lipschitzian Q-matrices are P-matrices. Mathematical Programming,74(1), 55–58.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sridhar, R. (2013). On fully semimonotone matrices. International Game Theory Review,15(4), 1340036.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sriparna, B. (1997). Constructive characterization of Lipschitzian Q0-matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications,252, 323–337.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sriparna, B. (1998). Some recent results on the linear complementarity problem. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,19(4), 898–905.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sriparna, B. (2000a). The linear complementarity problem in static and dynamic games. Advances in dynamic games and applications (Kanagawa, 1996) (Vol. 5, pp. 289–301)., Ann. Internat. Soc. Dynam. Games Boston: Birkhauser.
Murthy, G. S. R., Parthasarathy, T., & Sriparna, B. (2000b). On the solution sets of linear complementarity problems. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,21(4), 1229–1235.
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Sivakumar, K.C., Gowda, M.S., Ravindran, G. et al. Preface: International conference on game theory and optimization, June 6–10, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. Ann Oper Res 287, 565–572 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03492-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03492-9