This paper presents Circe, an environment for the analysis of natural language requirements. Circe is first presented in terms of its architecture, based on a transformational paradigm. Details are then given for the various transformation steps, including (i) a novel technique for parsing natural language requirements, and (ii) an expert system based on modular agents, embodying intensional knowledge about software systems in general. The result of all the transformations is a set of models for the requirements document, for the system described by the requirements, and for the requirements writing process. These models can be inspected, measured, and validated against a given set of criteria.
Some of the features of the environment are shown by means of an example. Various stages of requirements analysis are covered, from initial sketches to pseudo-code and UML models.
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Ambriola, V., Gervasi, V. On the Systematic Analysis of Natural Language Requirements with CIRCE . Autom Software Eng 13, 107–167 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-006-5468-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-006-5468-2