We describe the first shared task for figurative language resolution, which was organised within SemEval-2007 and focused on metonymy. The paper motivates the linguistic principles of data sampling and annotation and shows the task’s feasibility via human agreement. The five participating systems mainly used supervised approaches exploiting a variety of features, of which grammatical relations proved to be the most useful. We compare the systems’ performance to automatic baselines as well as to a manually simulated approach based on selectional restriction violations, showing some limitations of this more traditional approach to metonymy recognition. The main problem supervised systems encountered is data sparseness, since metonymies in general tend to occur more rarely than literal uses. Also, within metonymies, the reading distribution is skewed towards a few frequent metonymy types. Future task developments should focus on addressing this issue.
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The example is from the Berkeley Master Metaphor list (http://cogsci.berkeley.edu/lakoff/).
This and all following examples in this paper are from the British National Corpus (BNC) (Burnard 1995). An exception is Ex. 22.
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We thank Diana McCarthy for pointing that problem out to us.
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We thank the BNC Consortium for allowing us to distribute the extracted samples. We are also grateful to the annotators for the selectional restriction simulations: Ben Hachey, Tim O’Donnell and especially Stephen Clark, who bore the brunt of the annotation. We also had valuable discussions with Diana McCarthy during the preparation of this work.
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Markert, K., Nissim, M. Data and models for metonymy resolution. Lang Resources & Evaluation 43, 123–138 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-009-9087-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-009-9087-y