We describe a system for creating personal clusters in user-space to support the submission and management of thousands of compute-intensive serial jobs to the network-connected compute resources on the NSF TeraGrid. The system implements a robust infrastructure that submits and manages job proxies across a distributed computing environment. These job proxies contribute resources to personal clusters created dynamically for a user on-demand. The personal clusters then adapt to the prevailing job load conditions at the distributed sites by migrating job proxies to sites expected to provide resources more quickly. Furthermore, the system allows multiple instances of these personal clusters to be created as containers for individual scientific experiments, allowing the submission environment to be customized for each instance. The version of the system described in this paper allows users to build large personal Condor and Sun Grid Engine clusters on the TeraGrid. Users then manage their scientific jobs, within each personal cluster, with a single uniform interface using the feature-rich functionality found in these job management environments.
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Walker, E., Gardner, J.P., Litvin, V. et al. Personal adaptive clusters as containers for scientific jobs. Cluster Comput 10, 339–350 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-007-0028-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-007-0028-5