We present AccaSim, a simulator for workload management in HPC systems. Thanks to AccaSim’s scalability to large workload datasets, support for easy customization, and practical automated tools to aid experimentation, users can easily represent various real HPC systems, develop novel advanced dispatchers and evaluate them in a convenient way across different workload sources. AccaSim is thus an attractive tool for conducting job dispatching research in HPC systems.

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C. Galleguillos is supported by Postgraduate Grant PUCV 2018. A. Netti is supported by a research fellowship from the Oprecomp-Open Transprecision Computing project. R. Soto is supported by Grant CONICYT/FONDECYT/ REGULAR/1160455. We are grateful to Åke Sandgren, Motoyoshi Kurokawa, and the Czech National Grid Infrastructure MetaCentrum, for providing, respectively, the Seth, RICC and the MetaCentrum workload datasets. We thank Alina Sîrbu for fruitful discussions on the work presented here. Finally, we appreciate the precious comments of the reviewers which helped improve the paper significantly. We especially thank Millian Poquet for signing his review and giving us the possibility to interact during the revision of the paper.
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Galleguillos, C., Kiziltan, Z., Netti, A. et al. AccaSim: a customizable workload management simulator for job dispatching research in HPC systems. Cluster Comput 23, 107–122 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-019-02905-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-019-02905-5