Decentralization for data storage is a challenging problem for blockchain-based solutions as the blocksize plays a key role for scalability. In addition, specific requirements of multimedia data call for various changes in the blockchain technology internals. Considering one of the most popular applications of secure multimedia streaming, i.e., video surveillance, it is not clear how to judiciously encode incentivization, immutability, and compression into a viable ecosystem. In this study, we provide a genuine scheme that achieves this encoding for a video surveillance application. The proposed scheme provides a novel integration of data compression, immutable off-chain data storage using a new consensus protocol namely, Proof-of-WorkStore (PoWS) in order to enable fully useful work to be performed by the miner nodes of the network. The proposed idea is the first step towards achieving greener application of a blockchain-based environment to the video storage business that utilizes system resources efficiently.
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Arslan, S.S., Goker, T. Compress-store on blockchain: a decentralized data processing and immutable storage for multimedia streaming. Cluster Comput 25, 1957–1968 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-022-03584-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-022-03584-5