P2P computing gains increasing attention lately, since it provides the means for realizing computing systems that scale to very large numbers of participating peers, while ensuring high autonomy and fault-tolerance. Peer Data Management Systems (PDMS) have been proposed to support sophisticated facilities in exchanging, querying and integrating (semi-)structured data hosted by peers. In this paper, we are interested in routing graph queries in a very large PDMS, where peers advertise their local bases using fragments of community RDF/S schemes (i.e., views). We introduce an original encoding for these fragments, in order to efficiently check whether a peer view is subsumed by a query. We rely on this encoding to design an RDF/S view lookup service featuring a statefull and a stateless execution over a DHT-based P2P infrastructure. We finally evaluate experimentally our system to demonstrate its scalability for very large P2P networks and arbitrary RDF/S schema fragments, and to estimate the number of routing hops required by the two versions of our lookup service.
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Work done when T. Dalamagas was a postdoc researcher in NTUA.
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Sidirourgos, L., Kokkinidis, G., Dalamagas, T. et al. Indexing views to route queries in a PDMS. Distrib Parallel Databases 23, 45–68 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-007-7021-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-007-7021-0