Cloud computing is the next generation of on-demand information technology services and products that deliver various applications over the Internet. Cloud computing is often adopted as a superior alternative by data centers to replace their current system. However, cloud computing services are still accompanied by many issues which hinder their adoption in data centers. Therefore, this study proposed a Cloud Computing Data Center (CCDC) adoption model for administration activities in higher education institutions. Technology Organization Environment (TOE), Diffusion of Innovation theory (DOI), and Institutional theory were considered as theoretical bases of CCDC model. A new Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)-STELLA method was applied to examine the proposed model and simulate it like a real system to investigate the respondents' interest in adopting cloud by passing the time. A questionnaire instrument was designed, and data were collected from 204 decision-makers at Malaysian universities. The results showed that eight out of ten factors, namely relative advantage, Complexity, compatibility, top management support, policy and standardization, competitive pressure, outage, and security influenced CCDC adoption. Finally, STELLA simulated the value changing of some factors or sub factors on the level of interest in adopting CCDC. Results showed that security and policy play the highest influence on the adoption of cloud computing. This research contributes to a theoretical understanding of factors that influence CCDC adoption. Meanwhile, it provides a better understanding of changes in users' behavior during the adoption of cloud computing services.
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Badie, N., Hussin, A.R.C., Yadegaridehkordi, E. et al. A SEM-STELLA approach for predicting decision-makers’ adoption of cloud computing data center. Educ Inf Technol 28, 8219–8271 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-11484-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-022-11484-9