Different instructional strategies have been drawn to assist elementary school students in improving computational thinking (CT) skills and student engagement (SE) in unplugged programming activities. This paper aimed to explore how the interactive strategies of unplugged programming affect CT skills and SE. The study was conducted based on a quasi-experimental research method. The sample was composed of 104 sixth-grade students from northern China. The students in the experimental group learned with interactive unplugged programming, whereas those in the control group learned with non-interactive unplugged programming. Analysis of Covariance statistics and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling were adopted for data analysis. Results showed that the performance of the experimental group in CT skills and SE was considerably better than that of the control group. Moreover, the predictive relationships were more complex between CT skills and SE in the experimental group. In general, these findings confirmed the teaching value of interactive unplugged programming, and further emphasized the important role of students’ CT skills in programming engagement. Therefore, through the application of interaction in instruction design, each student can be assigned a positive role to create a programming classroom that is more conducive to students.
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This study was also supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Approval # 62077012).
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Appendix 1: Examples of pre- and post-tests (translated from Chinese to English)
1.1 Pre-test
The map near the home community is shown in the figure. Mom needs to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicines after getting off work today by bus, buy some vegetables for dinner, go to the bank to do some things, and finally return to the community. Mom can choose to get off at bus stop A, B, or C. In addition, gate A or B can be used to enter the community. Considering the distance, please choose a suitable route for mom.
1.2 Post-test
The map near the home community is shown in the figure. On Sunday, Cindy plans to go out of the community. She needs to go to the drugstore and the supermarket to buy something, then go to the bank to do some things, and finally take the bus to date with friends. The bus stops have three stops, A, B, and C, and the community gate has A or B for entry or exit. Considering the distance, please choose a suitable route for Cindy.
Appendix 2: Example of coding metric: item 3 in the pre-test
Appendix 3: The results of confirmatory factor analysis
As shown in Table
4, the factor loadings, Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE) values (Hair et al., 2011) were adopted to evaluate the two PLS measurement models. Chin (1998) has contended, when there were other items in the construct, item factor loadings with 0.5 or 0.6 were considered to be suitable. Hence, the factor loadings were adequate for the items in the variables. In terms of the internal consistency and construct reliability, the CR values of each variable exceeded the minimum value of 0.7, and the AVE values of construct were larger than 0.5. Table
5 shows the correlation matrix and the square root of the AVE value of SE and CT variables. The results suggested that the square root of the AVE value for each variable was larger than the correlation coefficients between the variable and the others for both groups. Hence, the verification of the model thus confirmed the convergent and construct validity of the variables in this model.
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Li, Q., Jiang, Q., Liang, JC. et al. Effects of interactive unplugged programming activities on computational thinking skills and student engagement in elementary education. Educ Inf Technol 28, 12293–12318 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11634-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11634-7