We have in previous studies reported our findings and concern about the reliability and validity of the evaluation procedures used in comparative studies on competing effort prediction models. In particular, we have raised concerns about the use of accuracy statistics to rank and select models. Our concern is strengthened by the observed lack of consistent findings. This study offers more insights into the causes of conclusion instability by elaborating on the findings of our previous work concerning the reliability and validity of the evaluation procedures. We show that model selection based on the accuracy statistics MMRE, MMER, MBRE, and MIBRE contribute to conclusion instability as well as selection of inferior models. We argue and show that the evaluation procedure must include an evaluation of whether the functional form of the prediction model makes sense to better prevent selection of inferior models.
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Myrtveit, I., Stensrud, E. Validity and reliability of evaluation procedures in comparative studies of effort prediction models. Empir Software Eng 17, 23–33 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-011-9183-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-011-9183-7