Identifying network traffic at their early stages accurately is very important for the application of traffic identification. In recent years, more and more studies have tried to build effective machine learning models to identify traffic with the few packets at the early stage. Packet sizes and statistical features have been proved to be effective features which are widely used in early stage traffic identification. However, an important issue is still unconcerned, that is whether there exists essential effectiveness differences between the two kinds of features. In this paper, we set out to evaluate the effectiveness of statistical features in comparing with packet sizes. We firstly extract the packet sizes and their statistical features of the first six packets on three traffic data sets. Then the mutual information between each feature and the corresponding traffic type label is computed to show the effectiveness of the feature. And then we execute crossover identification experiments with different feature sets using ten well-known machine learning classifiers. Our experimental results show that most classifiers get almost the same performances using packet sizes and statistical features for early stage traffic identification. And most classifiers can achieve high identification accuracies using only two statistical features.
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This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 61472164, 61173078, 61203105, 61173079, and 61373054, the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Shandong under Grant Nos. ZR2012FM010, ZR2011FZ001, ZR2013FL002 and ZR2012FQ016.
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Peng, L., Yang, B., Chen, Y. et al. Effectiveness of Statistical Features for Early Stage Internet Traffic Identification. Int J Parallel Prog 44, 181–197 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10766-014-0337-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10766-014-0337-2