The academic literature on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) governance is based on theories and assumptions rather than practices, whereas the SOA governance frameworks proposed by Information Technology (IT) vendors are made to suit their products. Research shows that the problems with SOA governance in practice are among the major reasons of SOA failures. An extensive literature review that covers SOA, IT governance and SOA governance has been carried out part of this research. The purpose of this research paper is to increase our understanding of SOA governance and to show which SOA aspects organizations should consider when adopting a SOA governance framework. Based on a literature review, this study first proposes a list of SOA aspects to be considered when implementing SOA governance. By adopting an interpretive research methodology – based on interviews with professionals and practitioners in the fields of IT governance and SOA governance – this research paper examines the importance of these aspects. The results provide a theoretical conceptualization of SOA aspects that can be used to assess SOA governance practices and provide guidance to improve them.
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Joukhadar, G., Rabhi, F. SOA in practice – a study of governance aspects. Inf Syst Front 18, 499–510 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9607-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9607-9