We study those multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) which are Sidon sets and/or sum-free sets in the group \(({\mathbb F}_{2^n},+)\). These Sidon and sum-free sets play an important role relative to the exponents of APN power functions, as shown by a paper co-authored by the first author.
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1 Introduction
The notions of Sidon set and of sum-free set are well known in combinatorics [1, 6, 8].
Definition 1.1
[1] A subset of an additive group \((G,+)\) is a Sidon set if it does not contain elements x, y, z, t, three of which are distinct and such that \(x+y=z+t\).
Definition 1.2
[6, 8] A subset S of an additive group \((G,+)\) is a sum-free set if it does not contain elements x, y, z such that \(x+y=z\) (i.e. if \(S\cap (S+S)=\emptyset \)).
Note that these definitions are also relevant in characteristic 2, which will be our framework; they simplify then: S is a Sidon set (resp. a sum-free set) in \({\mathbb F}_2^n\) (or in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) since it is always possible to endow \({\mathbb F}_2^n\) with the structure of a field) if it does not contain 4 distinct elements (resp 3 elements) whose sum is null.
Denoting z by \(x+a\), a set S is a Sidon set if for every nonzero element a of G, the condition “\(x\in S, x+a\in S, y\in S, y+a\in S\)” implies that \(x=y\) or \(x=y+a\).
There exists a natural connection between those (n, n)-functions (from \({\mathbb F}_2^n\) to itself) in cryptography which are almost perfect nonlinear (in brief, APN; see the definition, e.g. in [5]) and Sidon sets: by definition, an (n, n)-function is APN if and only if its graph \(\mathcal{G}_F=\{(x,F(x)); x\in {\mathbb F}_2^n\}\) is a Sidon set in the group \(({\mathbb F}_2^n\times {\mathbb F}_2^n,+)\). In [5] is shown another connection, between the exponents of APN power functions \(F(x)=x^d\) over \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) (called APN exponents) and those multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) which are at the same time Sidon sets and sum-free sets in the group \(({\mathbb F}_2^n,+)\):
Theorem 1.3
[5] If d is an APN exponent, then for every integer j, the multiplicative subgroup of order \(\gcd (d-2^j,2^n-1)\) is a Sidon set and a sum-free set.
In this paper, we make a study of those multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) which are Sidon sets (resp. sum-free sets). The motivation for this work is twofold: it is theoretically interesting to see how the structure of the field can help in finding new Sidon sets and sum-free sets (of course, these notions are purely additive, but the determination of Sidon sets and sum-free sets may benefit from the richer structure of the fieldFootnote 1); it is also practically useful to have as much information as possible on Sidon–sum-free multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\), for selecting candidates for a search of new infinite classes of APN power functions (see [5]). Indeed, the result recalled from [5] and such knowledge may allow discriminating better those exponents which are likely to be new APN exponents. To this aim, we need to be able to determine the Sidon–sum-free (SSF) multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) for n larger than 34 (since for \(n\le 34\), all APN exponents are known) and it begins to be very difficult to obtain them with a computer for \(n\ge 32\). In [5] is then defined and used the notion of approximate Sidon–sum-free (ASSF) multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\); such a subgroup is called ASSF (resp. AS, ASF) if none of the results in the present paper show that it is not Sidon–sum-free (resp. not Sidon, not sum-free). This allows going further than \(n=32\). It is then important to find not only sufficient but also necessary conditions for some multiplicative subgroup of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) to be SSF, for as many orders of such subgroups as possible (i.e. for as many divisors of \(2^n-1\) as possible) and this is what the present paper produces. The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we study the characterization of Sidon and sum-free sets by the Fourier transform of their indicator functions. In Sect. 3, we derive Sidon–sum-free sets from the known classes of APN power functions. Sections 4 and 5 are devoted to the study of Sidon and sum-free multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\). Next, in Sect. 6, we exhibit more Sidon and sum-free multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\). Finally, in Sect. 1, we present some computation results related to our study.
2 Characterizations by the Fourier transform
For any set E, we shall denote \(E^{\star }=E \setminus \{0\}\) and \(\vert E\vert \) will denote the cardinality of E.
In this section, we study the characterization of Sidon and sum-free sets by the Fourier transform of their indicator functions (or equivalently by the Walsh transforms of their indicator functions). We are not yet able to deduce significant results on Sidon and sum-free sets from these characterizations, but since many cryptographic parameters can be characterized this way (and more and more are, see e.g. [3, 4]), it is important for further works to make such a study.
Let some inner product “\(\cdot \)” be chosen in \({\mathbb F}_2^n\). In this paper, we shall endow \({\mathbb F}_2^n\) with the structure of the field \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\); the usual inner product in this field is defined as \(a\cdot x=tr(ax)\), where tr is the trace function from \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) to \({\mathbb F}_2\) defined by \(tr(x)= \sum _{i=0}^{n-1} x^{2^i}\).
Given a numerical (i.e. \(\mathbb {R}\)-valued) function f over \({\mathbb F}_2^n\), the Fourier transform of f is defined as \(\widehat{f}(a)=\sum _{x\in {\mathbb F}_2^n}f(x) (-1)^{a\cdot x}\). The Fourier transform of the indicator function \(1_S\) of a subset S of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) equals then
It is possible to characterize Sidon sets by the Fourier transform; we restrict ourselves to \({\mathbb F}_2^n\) but this characterization can be made more general:
Proposition 2.1
For every subset S of \({\mathbb F}_2^n\), we have:
or equivalently:
or equivalently
and S is a Sidon set (resp. a sum-free set) in the additive group \(({\mathbb F}_2^n,+)\) if and only if (1) or (2) is an equality (resp (3) or (4) is an equality).
For every subset S of \({\mathbb F}_2^n\), the number of \((x,y,z,t)\in S^4\) such that \(x+y+z+t=0\) equals \(\sum _{(x,y,z)\in ({\mathbb F}_2^n)^3}1_S(x)1_S(y)1_S(z)1_S(x+y+z)\). If \(x=y\in S\) and \(z\in S\), or \(x=z\in S\) and \(y\in S\), or \(y=z\in S\) and \(x\in S\), then we have \(1_S(x)1_S(y)1_S(z)1_S(x+y+z)=1\). We deduce the inequality \(\sum _{(x,y,z)\in ({\mathbb F}_2^n)^3}1_S(x)1_S(y)1_S(z)1_S(x+y+z)\ge 3\, |S|^2-2\, |S|\) and that S is a Sidon set if and only if this inequality is an equality. The sum \(\sum _{(x,y,z)\in ({\mathbb F}_2^n)^3}1_S(x)1_S(y)1_S(z)1_S(x+y+z)\) is equal to \(2^{-n}\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n}\sum _{(x,y,z,t)\in ({\mathbb F}_2^n)^4}1_S(x)1_S(y)1_S(z)1_S(t) (-1)^{a\cdot (x+y+z+t)}\), that is, to \(2^{-n}\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n}\widehat{1_S}^4(a)\). This proves the first part of the statement, since \(\widehat{1_S}(0)=|S|\)
Similarly, we have \(\sum _{(x,y)\in ({\mathbb F}_2^n)^2}1_S(x)1_S(y)1_S(x+y)\ge 0\), which is equivalent to \(2^{-n}\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n}\widehat{1_S}^3(a)\ge 0\), and S is sum-free if and only if this inequality is an equality. \(\square \)
Remark 2.2
As recalled in [5], it is well known that the size |S| of a Sidon set S in a group \((G,+)\) cannot be such that \({|S|\atopwithdelims ()2}=\frac{|S|\, (|S|-1)}{2}>|G|-1\), because the number of pairs \(\{x,y\}\) included in S would then be strictly larger than the number of nonzero elements of G. We deduce from the relation \(|S|^2-|S|-2|G|+2\le 0\) that \(|S|\le \frac{1+\sqrt{8|G|-7}}{2}\). In the case of \(G={\mathbb F}_2^n\), this gives \(|S|\le \lfloor \frac{1+\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\rfloor \).
It is also well known that the size |S| of a sum-free set S in a group \((G,+)\) cannot be strictly larger than \(\frac{|G|}{2}\), because the two sets \(S+S\) and S would have sizes whose sum is strictly larger than the order of the group. As observed in [5], the size |S| of a sum-free–Sidon set satisfies \(\frac{|S|\, (|S|+1)}{2}\le |G|-1\), that is, \(|S|^2+|S|-2|G|+2\le 0\), which implies that \(|S|\le \frac{-1+\sqrt{8|G|-7}}{2}\). In the case of \(G={\mathbb F}_2^n\), this gives \(|S|\le \lfloor \frac{-1+\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\rfloor \).
For every subset S, we have the inverse Fourier transform formula:
and Parseval’s relation:
or equivalently:
Note that, for every Sidon–sum-free set S, we know then the precise values of the four first power moments of the Fourier transform.
When S is a Sidon set, we have \(\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n; a\ne 0}\widehat{1_S}^4(a)=3\cdot 2^n\, |S|^2-2^{n+1} |S|-|S|^4\), according to Proposition 2.1. Using the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality, we have
and we deduce \(3\cdot 2^n\, |S|^2-2^{n+1} |S|-|S|^4\ge \frac{(2^n|S|-|S|^2)^2}{2^n-1}\), that is:
Observe that one has
The roots of \(X^2-X-2\cdot (2^n-1)\) are \(\frac{1-\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\) and \(\frac{1+\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\). Thus, \(|S|^3-2|S|^2-(2^{n+1}-3)|S|+2(2^n+1)\le 0\) if and only if \(|S|\in \big [1,\big \lfloor \frac{1+\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\big \rfloor \big ]\). We obtain then the same bound as the one obtained at the previous section (for the size of Sidon sets in \({\mathbb F}_2^n\)). Moreover, Relation (5) gives a stronger inequality, but which depends on the size of the Fourier transform support of \(1_S\).
If S is also sum-free, then we have \(\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n; a\ne 0}\widehat{1_S}^3(a) = -|S|^3\), according to Proposition 2.1, which implies by the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality that \(|S|^6= (\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n; a\ne 0}\widehat{1_S}^3(a))^2 \le (\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n; a\ne 0}\widehat{1_S}^2(a))(\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n; a\ne 0}\widehat{1_S}^4(a))=(2^n |S|-|S|^2) (3\cdot 2^n\, |S|^2-2^{n+1} |S|-|S|^4)\) and then
The polynomial \(f(X)=X^3+3 X^2 - (3\cdot 2^n+2) X + 2^{n+1}\) has three distinct real roots since its discriminant is \(108 \cdot 2^{3n} - 135 \cdot 2^{2n} - 180 \cdot 2^ n + 68 > 0\) for \(n\ge 1\). Let us denote by \(\lambda _1<\lambda _2<\lambda _3\) these three distinct roots. Now, the derivative \( f^\prime (X)\) of this polynomial has two distinct real roots \(\mu _1=-\frac{1}{3} \, \sqrt{9 \cdot 2^n + 15} - 1 < 0\) and \(\mu _2=\frac{1}{3} \, \sqrt{9 \cdot 2^n + 15} - 1 >0\). Now, since \(f(0)=2^{n+1}>0\) and \(f(1)=2-2^n<0\), one has necessarily \(\lambda _1<\mu _1<\lambda _2<1<\mu _2<\lambda _3\). Let us now compute \(f\big (\frac{\sqrt{8\cdot 2^n-7}-1}{2}\big )= -\frac{1}{2} \, \sqrt{8 \cdot 2^n- 7} \cdot 2^n + \frac{13}{2} \cdot 2^n - 3 \, \sqrt{8 \cdot 2^n - 7} - 1=-\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{8 \cdot 2^n- 7}\cdot \big (2^n+6\big ) + \frac{13}{2} \cdot 2^n-1<0\) when \(n\ge 3\) and is equal to 0 for \(n\in \{1,2\}\) proving that \(\lambda _3>\frac{\sqrt{8\cdot 2^n-7}-1}{2}\) when \(n\ge 3\).
Remark 2.3
Denoting by \(W_f\) the Walsh transform of a Boolean function f: \(W_f(a)=\sum _{x\in {\mathbb F}_2^n}(-1)^{f(x)+a\cdot x}\), we have, for every \(a\ne 0\) that \(\widehat{1_S}(a)=-\frac{1}{2} W_{1_S}(a)\) (and for \(a=0\) that \(\widehat{1_S}(0)=2^{n-1}-\frac{1}{2} W_{1_S}(0)\)).
Relation (2) is then equivalent to \(\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n,a\ne 0}W_{1_S}^4(a)\ge 3\cdot 2^{n+4}\, |S|^2-2^{n+5} |S|-2^4|S|^4\) and Relation (4) to \(\sum _{a\in {\mathbb F}_2^n,a\ne 0}W_{1_S}^3(a)\le 2^3|S|^3\).
Remark 2.4
In this paper, S will always be the multiplicative subgroup of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) of order \(e=|S|\) and then invariant under multiplication by any element of S. We deduce that for every \(s\in S\), and every \(a\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\), we have \(\widehat{1_S}(sa)=\sum _{x\in S}(-1)^{tr(asx)}=\sum _{x\in S}(-1)^{tr(ax)}=\widehat{1_S}(a)\). Hence, the Fourier transform of the indicator of S will be constant on every coset of S in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\). Let U be a set of size \(\frac{2^n-1}{e}\) such that \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*=US\), then according to Proposition 2.1, S is a Sidon set if and only if \(\sum _{a\in U}\widehat{1_S}^4(a)=3\cdot 2^n\cdot e-2^{n+1} -e^3\). Note that since every element of S can be written in \(\frac{2^n-1}{e}\) ways as \(x^\frac{2^n-1}{e}\), we have \(\widehat{1_S}(a)=\frac{e}{2^n-1} \sum _{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*}(-1)^{tr\left( ax^\frac{2^n-1}{e}\right) }\).
3 The Sidon–sum-free sets deduced from the known classes of APN power functions
The result from [5] recalled in the introduction and the knowledge of classes of APN power functions (see e.g. [2, 4]) give directly orders of multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) which are at the same time Sidon sets and sum-free sets; these orders depend on an integer j, which can be any integer (concretely \(j=0,\dots ,n-1\)):
\(\gcd (2^i+1-2^j,2^n-1)\), where i is co-prime with n (related to the so-called Gold APN functions \(F(x)=x^{2^i+1}\)),
\(\gcd (2^{2i}-2^i+1-2^j,2^n-1)\), where i is co-prime with n (related to the so-called Kasami APN functions \(F(x)=x^{2^{2i}-2^i+1}\)),
\(\gcd (2^\frac{n-1}{2}+3-2^j,2^n-1)\), where n is odd (related to the so-called Welch APN functions \(F(x)=x^{\frac{n-1}{2}+3}\)),
\(\gcd (2^{(n-1)/2}+2^{(n-1)/4}-1-2^j,2^n-1)\), where \(n \equiv 1 \pmod {4}\) (related to the so-called Niho APN functions \(F(x)=x^{2^{(n-1)/2}+2^{(n-1)/4}-1}\)),
\(\gcd (2^{(n-1)/2}+2^{(3n-1)/4}-1-2^j,2^n-1)\), where \(n \equiv 3 \pmod {4}\) (related to the so-called Niho APN functions \(F(x)=x^{2^{(n-1)/2}+2^{(3n-1)/4}-1}\)),
\(\gcd (2^n-2-2^j,2^n-1)\), where n is odd (related to the so-called inverse APN functions \(F(x)=x^{2^n-2}\)),
\(\gcd (2^{4m}+2^{3m}+2^{2m}+2^m-1-2^j,2^n-1)\), where \(n=5m\) (related to the so-called Dobbertin APN functions \(F(x)=x^{2^{4m}+2^{3m}+2^{2m}+2^m-1}\)).
We need to see if these classes are included in larger classes of Sidon (resp. sum-free) sets (for instance, if the condition “i is co-prime with n” is necessary).
Remark 3.1
When d is invertible modulo \(2^n-1\), for every positive integer j, we have \(\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x^{d-2^j}=1\}=\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x^d=x^{2^j}\}=\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x=x^{2^jd'}\}=\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x^{2^{n-j}}=x^{d'}\}=\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x^{d'-2^{n-j}}=1\}\) where \(d'\) stands for the inverse of d modulo \(2^n-1\).
4 Study of Sidon multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\)
In this section, we visit some infinite classes of exponents d for which we are able to determine whether the multiplicative subgroup of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) equal to \(\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x^d=1\}\) of order \(e=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\) (and so equal to \(\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*; x^e=1\}\)) is a Sidon set in \(({\mathbb F}_{2^n},+)\). Note that when dealing with a value d, we deal in fact with a whole equivalence class: if two exponents d and \(d'\) are conjugate mod \(2^n-1\) (i.e. if \(d'\equiv 2^id \pmod {2^n-1}\) for some i), or if more generally \(d'\equiv kd\pmod {2^n-1} \) where k is any number co-prime with \(2^n-1\), then \(\gcd (d',2^n-1)=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\).
4.1 A characterization
Let us start with a preliminary result which is included in the proof of the main theorem in [5] but not explicitly stated, and which will be useful in the sequel. For making the paper self-contained, we include its proof.
Lemma 4.1
Let n and d be positive integers and let \(e=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\). The multiplicative subgroup \(G_e=\{x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}^\star \mid x^d=1\}=\{x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}^\star \mid x^e=1\}\) of order e is a Sidon set if and only if the only solutions \((x,y)\in G_e^2\) of equation \((x +1)^d=(y+1)^d\) are the trivial solutions (x, y) such that \(x =y\) or \(x=\frac{1}{y}\).
Writing \(z=x+a\) in Definition 1.1 shows that \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if, for every \(a,x,y\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\),
implies \(x=y\) or \(x=y+a\).
Assume that the condition of Lemma 4.1 is satisfied and write \(x=au\) and \(y=av\) in (7) with \(u\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}\) and \(v\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}\). Then, (7) becomes:
According to the equality between the first and the third terms in (8), one gets that \(v=uz\) with \(z\in G_e\). Considering the equality between the second and the fourth terms in (8), one gets that \(uz+1=\lambda (u+1)\) with \(\lambda \in G_e\). If \(\lambda =z\), we have \(\lambda =z=1\); in this case, \(v=u\) and \(x=y\). Assume from now on \(\lambda \not = z\). Then, we get from \(uz+1=\lambda (u+1)\) that \(u=\frac{\lambda +1}{\lambda +z}\) from which we deduce that \(u+1=\frac{z+1}{z+\lambda }\) and \(v+1=\frac{z(\lambda +1)}{z+\lambda }+1=\frac{\lambda (z+1)}{z+\lambda }\). One therefore must have the following equations from \(u^d=(v+1)^d\), the equality between the first and fourth terms in equation (8),
That implies that \(\lambda =\frac{1}{z}\) (since \(\lambda \not =z\)), that is,
from which we deduce that \(y=av=au+a=x+a\).
Conversely, assume that \(G_e\) is a Sidon set. Let \(x\in G_e\) and \(y\in G_e\) be such that \((x+1)^d=(y+1)^d\). There exists \(\rho \in G_e\) such that \(x+1=\rho (y+1)=\rho y+\rho \). Now, \(x, 1, \rho y\) and \(\rho \) are four elements of \(G_e\) which is a Sidon set. Hence, either \(\rho =1\), that is, \(x=y\) or \(\rho =x\) and \(\rho y=1\), that is \(x =\frac{1}{y}\). \(\square \)
We deduce the following useful corollary, in which the polynomials are viewed in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}[X]/(X^{2^n}+X)\):
Corollary 4.2
Let n and d be positive integers and \(e=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\). The multiplicative subgroup \(G_e=\{x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}^\star \mid x^d=1\}=\{x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}^\star \mid x^e=1\}\) of order e is a Sidon set if and only if, for every dth-power u of an element of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\), the polynomial \(\gcd (X^d+1, (X+1)^d+u)\) has at most two zeros in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\). For \(u=a^d\) where \(a\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^\star \), this condition is equivalent to: the set \(\{\frac{x}{a+x},x\in (a+G_e)\cap G_e\}\) has at most two elements. Still equivalently, the polynomial \(\gcd (X^d+1, (X+1)^d+u, X^{2^n}+X)=\gcd (X^e+1, (X+1)^e+u)\) has degree at most 2.
According to Lemma 4.1, \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if, for every \(u\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}\), there exist in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) at most two common zeros of \(X^d+1\) and \((X+1)^d+u\) (and if there are two such zeros, they are inverses of each other). Note that u can be taken nonzero, since for \(u=0\) there is exactly one common zero. Furthermore, if u is not the dth-power of an element of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) then \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+u)\) has no zero in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\). Hence, \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if, for every dth-power u of an element of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\), the polynomial \(\gcd (X^d+1, (X+1)^d+u)\) has as most two zeros in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\).
For \(u=a^d\) where \(a\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^\star \), an element y is a zero of \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+u)\) if and only if \(y\in G_e\) and \(y=1+az\) for some z in \(G_e\). Observe then that \(y=\frac{z^{-1}y}{a+z^{-1}y}\) (since \(z^{-1}y+a=z^{-1}\)) and that \(z^{-1}y\in (a+G_e)\cap G_e\).
Conversely, let \(y=\frac{x}{a+x}\) with \(x\in (a+G_e)\cap G_e\). Then, \(y^{d}=1\) and \((y+1)^d = (\frac{a}{a+x})^d=a^d\) proving that y is a zero of \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+a^d)\).
Hence, the set of zeros of \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+a^d)\) is \(\{\frac{x}{a+x},x\in (a+G_e)\cap G_e\}\). The rest of the proof is obvious: since \(X^{2^n}+X\) splits and its zeros are the elements of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\), we have for every polynomial \(P(X)\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}[X]\) that \(\gcd (P(X), X^{2^n}+X)=\prod _{v\in V}(X+v)\), where V is the set of zeros of P(X) in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^n}\). We have then \(\gcd (X^d+1,X^{2^n}+X)=X^e+1\) and \(\gcd ((X+1)^d+u,X^{2^n}+X)=(X+1)^e+u\). \(\square \)
Remark 4.3
Checking the condition on the number of zeros of the equation in Corollary 4.2 has complexity \(\mathcal{O}(2^n)\), while checking the last condition has average complexity \(\mathcal{O}(n)\), see [7].
4.2 Study of some classical multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\)
4.2.1 Generalized Gold and Kasami exponents
We study first the exponents \(2^j+1\), which we shall call generalized Gold exponents (Gold exponents being equal to \(2^j+1\) with the additional condition that j is co-prime with n so that \(2^j+1\) can be an APN exponent).
Proposition 4.4
For every pair of positive integers n and j, let \(e=\gcd (2^j+1,2^n-1)\), then the multiplicative subgroup \(G_e=\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n};\, x^{2^j+1}=1\}=\{x\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n};\, x^e=1\}\) of order e is a Sidon set.
It is easily seen by applying the Euclidean algorithm that \(\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+1,(X+1)^{2^j+1}+u)=\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+1,X^{2^j}+X+u)=\gcd (X^{2^j}+X+u,X^2+uX+1)\). \(\square \)
In particular, when j and n are such that \(2^j+1\) divides \(2^n-1\), that is, when \(j\ge 2\) divides n and \(\frac{n}{j}\) is even, \(G_{2^j+1}\) is a Sidon set.
Remark 4.5
Let us see if this property allows the sizes of Sidon sets in \(({\mathbb F}_{2^n},+)\) to reach values near the upper bound \(\lfloor \frac{1+\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\rfloor \). Since \(2^j+1\) and \(2^j-1\) are co-prime, The order of \(G_e\) equals \(\gcd (2^j+1,2^n-1)=\frac{\gcd (2^{2j}-1,2^n-1)}{\gcd (2^j-1,2^n-1)}=\frac{2^{\gcd (2j,n)}-1}{2^{\gcd (j,n)}-1}\), which equals 1 if \(\gcd (2j,n)=\gcd (j,n)\) and \(2^{\gcd (j,n)}+1\) otherwise. The largest possible value of \(\gcd (2^j+1,2^n-1)\) is then when n is even and \(j=\frac{n}{2}\); it equals \(2^\frac{n}{2}+1\), which is not far from \(\lfloor \frac{1+\sqrt{2^{n+3}-7}}{2}\rfloor \) but not close either.
Let us now study the other well-known class of exponents in symmetric cryptography: the generalized Kasami exponents \(4^j-2^j+1\). Let n and j be positive integers and let \(e=\gcd (4^j-2^j+1,2^n-1)\). We have: \((4^j-2^j+1)(2^j+1)=(2^{2j}-2^j+1)(2^j+1)=2^{3j}+1\), and \(4^j-2^j+1\) then divides \(2^{3j}+1\), which implies \(G_e=\{x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}^\star \mid x^d=1\}\subseteq G_{\gcd (2^{3j}+1,2^n-1)}\). Any subset of a Sidon set being a Sidon set, we deduce:
Corollary 4.6
For every pair of positive integers n and j, let \(e=\gcd (4^j-2^j+1,2^n-1)\), then the multiplicative subgroup \(G_e\) of order e is a Sidon set.
Let us briefly study the other divisors of \(2^j+1\), obtained by factorizing \(2^j+1\) in \({\mathbb Z}\) differently from \(2^{3j}+1=(2^j+1)(2^{2j}-2^j+1)\). They will straightforwardly provide Sidon sets; we mention them because of the possible applications to APN exponents. A first example comes from the so-called Aurifeuillian factorization \(2^{4k+2}+1=(2^{2k+1}-2^{k+1}+1)(2^{2k+1}+2^{k+1}+1)\), which shows that:
Corollary 4.7
For every pair of positive integers n and j, let \(e=\gcd (2^{2k+1}-2^{k+1}+1,2^n-1)\) or \(e=\gcd (2^{2k+1}+2^{k+1}+1,2^n-1)\), then \(G_e\) is a Sidon set.
Recall also that, for every positive integer k, the cyclotomic polynomial \(\phi _k\) is the unitary polynomial over \({\mathbb Z}\) whose zeros are all the primitive kth roots of unity in \({\mathbb C}\). Every \(\phi _k\) is irreducible, and we have \(X^j-1=\prod _{k\, |\, j}\phi _k(X)\). If j is odd, then \(X^j+1=-((-X)^j-1)\) equals \(\pm \prod _{k\, |\, j}\phi _k(-X)\) and every product of \(|\phi _k(-2)|\) for distinct divisors k of j is a divisor of \(2^j+1\). Hence:
Corollary 4.8
Let j be odd and \(e=\prod _{k\in K}|\phi _k(-2)|\), where K is a set of divisors of j, then \(G_e\) is a Sidon set.
Also, every product of \(\phi _k(-2^\ell )\) for distinct divisors k of j and some \(\ell \) is a divisor of \(2^{j\ell }+1\).
4.2.2 Dillon-like exponents
Starting with \(e=3\) and increasing the value of e, the first value of e which is odd (so that it can be a divisor of \(2^n-1\)) and which is not a generalized Gold exponent equals \(7=2^3-1\). Let us study the exponents of the form \(2^j-1\), that we call Dillon-like, because Dillon in his thesis studied the bent functions of the form \(f(x)=tr(ax^{2^m-1})\) where \(n=2m\). They behave very differently from the generalized Gold exponents, since we have:
Proposition 4.9
Let n be a positive integer, let \(d=2^j-1\) for some j and \(e=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\). Then, \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if \(\gcd (j,n)\le 2\). Equivalently, if r is a divisor of n, then the multiplicative subgroup \(G_{2^r-1}\) of order \(2^r-1\) is a Sidon set if and only if \(r\le 2\).
We have \(e=\gcd (2^j-1,2^n-1)=2^r-1\) with \(r=\gcd (j,n)\), and \(G_e={\mathbb F}_{2^r}^*\). Hence, \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if \(r\le 2\). (Indeed, if \(r\ge 3\), then \(G_e\) contains a 2-dimensional affine subspace not containing 0 and if \(r\le 2\), then it is clear that \(G_e\) is a Sidon set.) \(\square \)
Remark 4.10
Let us see how Corollary 4.2 applies. For every \(u\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\), we have \(\gcd (X^{2^j-1}+1,(X+1)^{2^j-1}+u)=\gcd (X^{2^j-1}+1,\sum _{k=1}^{2^j-2}X^k+u)=\gcd (\sum _{k=1}^{2^j-2}X^k+u, (u+1)(X+1))\), since \((X+1)(\sum _{k=1}^{2^j-2}X^k+u)=X^{2^j-1}+1+(u+1)(X+1)\). If \(u\ne 1\) then we deduce that \(\gcd (X^{2^j-1}+1,(X+1)^{2^j-1}+u)\) has at most one zero, whatever is j. If \(u=1\) then \(\gcd (X^{2^j-1}+1,(X+1)^{2^j-1}+1)=\sum _{k=0}^{2^j-2}X^k=\frac{X^{2^j-1}+1}{X+1}\) has at most two zeros if and only if \({\mathbb F}_{2^j}^*\cap {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\setminus \{1\}\) has at most 2 elements, that is, \(\gcd (j,n)\le 2\).
Remark 4.11
If \(\gcd (n,j)=2\) then \(G_e={\mathbb F}_4^\star \) and, if \(\gcd (n,j)=1\) then \(G_e=\{1\}\). In both cases \(G_e\) is a Sidon set.
4.2.3 Generalized Welch exponents
We are now interested in \(d=2^j+3\), which we shall call generalized Welch exponent, since for n odd and \(j=\frac{n-1}{2}\), this is the well-known Welch exponent.
Proposition 4.12
Let j and n be two positive integers and let \(e=\gcd (2^j+3,2^n-1)\). Then:
If \(j\equiv 0\pmod {3}\) or \(j\equiv 1\pmod {3}\), then \(G_e\) is a Sidon set,
If \(j\equiv 2\pmod {3}\), then \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if n is not a multiple of 3.
According to Corollary 4.2, \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if, for every \(u\in {\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\), \(\gcd (X^{2^j+3}+1,(X+1)^{2^j+3}+u)\) has at most two zeros in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\). Applying the division process of the Euclidean algorithm, we obtain \(\gcd (X^{2^j+3}+1,(X+1)^{2^j+3}+u)=\gcd (X^{2^j+3}+1,X^{2^j+2}+X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^j}+X^3+X^2+X+u)=\gcd (X^{2^j+2}+X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^j}+X^3+X^2+X+u,X^{2^j}+X^4+(u+1)X+u+1)=\gcd (X^{2^j}+X^4+(u+1)X+u+1,X^6+X^5+X^4+uX^3+X^2+X+1)\).
Suppose that \(u=1\). Note that \((X^6+X^5+X^4+X^3+X^2+X+1)(X^2+X)=X^8+X\) and:
Hence, reducing \(X^{2^j}+X^4 \pmod {X^8+X}\) and continuing the Euclidean algorithm one step further gives:
By similar calculation, we can show when \(u\ne 1\) that
Hence, if \(j\equiv 0\pmod 3\) or \(j\equiv 1\pmod 3\), \(G_e\) is a Sidon set, and if \(j\equiv 2\pmod 3\), \(G_e\) is a Sidon set if and only if the polynomial \(X^6+X^5+X^4+X^3+X^2+X+1=\frac{X^7+1}{X+1}\) has at most two zeros, that is, \(|{\mathbb F}_{2^n}\cap {\mathbb F_8}|\le 4\), that is, 3 does not divide n. \(\square \)
5 Study of sum-free multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\)
5.1 A characterization
We start with characterizing the sum-free property in a similar way as in Corollary 4.2 (with polynomials viewed in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}[X]/(X^{2^n}+X)\)).
Proposition 5.1
Let d and n be two positive integers and \(e=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\). Then, \(G_e\) is sum-free if and only if \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+1)\) has no zero in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\). Equivalently, \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+1,X^{2^n}+X)=\gcd (X^e+1,(X+1)^e+1=1\).
We are going to show that \(G_e\) is not sum-free if and only if \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+1)\) has at least one zero in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\). Suppose that \(G_e\) is not sum-free. Then, there exists x, y and z in \(G_e\) such that \(x=y+z\). Observe then that \(r=z^{-1}x=1+z^{-1}y\) is a zero of \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+1)\) because \(r^d=1\) and \((r+1)^d=1\). Conversely, suppose that \(\gcd (X^d+1,(X+1)^d+1)\) has a zero r. One has \(r\in G_e\) and \(r+1=y\) for some \(y\in G_e\), that is, \(r=1+y\in G_e+G_e\) proving that \(G_e\) is not sum-free. The rest of the proof is as in the proof of Corollary 4.2. \(\square \)
5.2 Study of some classical multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\)
5.2.1 Generalized Gold and Kasami exponents
We apply our characterization to \(d=2^j+1\). We have seen in the proof of Proposition 4.4 that:
Using that \(\gcd (A(X),B(X))=\gcd (A(X),B(X)\pmod {A(X)}\) for any polynomials A, B and C over \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\), we have:
Proposition 5.2
Let n and j be two positive integers and \(e=\gcd (2^j+1,2^n-1)\). Then, \(G_e\) is sum-free if and only if n is odd or j is even.
According to (9), \(\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+1,(X+1)^{2^j+1}+1)\) has no zero in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) if and only if j is even or n is odd (since \(1+X+X^2\) is irreducible over \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) if and only if n is odd). \(\square \)
Since, for \(e=\gcd (4^j-2^j+1,2^n-1)\) and \(e'=\gcd (2^{3j}+1,2^n-1)\), we have \(G_e\subseteq G_{e'}\), and since any subset of a sum-free set is a sum-free set, we deduce that, if n is odd or j is even, then \(G_e\) is sum-free. But we shall have a more precise and more general result below in Proposition 6.3.
5.2.2 Dillon-like exponents
The proof of Proposition 4.9 shows that:
Proposition 5.3
Let n be a positive integer, let \(d=2^j-1\) for some j and \(e=\gcd (d,2^n-1)\). Then, \(G_e\) is sum-free if and only if \(\gcd (j,n)=1\).
5.2.3 Generalized Welch exponents
We have made the necessary calculations in Sect. 4.2.3. We have:
Hence, according to Proposition 5.1, if \(j\equiv 0\pmod 3\) or \(j\equiv 1\pmod 3\), \(G_e\) is a sum-free set, and if \(j\equiv 2\pmod 3\), \(G_e\) is a sum-free set if and only if the polynomial \(X^6+X^5+X^4+X^3+X^2+X+1=\frac{X^7+1}{X+1}\) has no zero in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\), that is, \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\cap {\mathbb F_8}={\mathbb F_2}\), that is, 3 does not divide n:
Proposition 5.4
Let j and n be two positive integers and \(e=\gcd (2^j+3,2^n-1)\). Then,
If \(j\equiv 0\pmod 3\) or \(j\equiv 1\pmod 3\), \(G_e\) is sum-free,
If \(j\equiv 2\pmod 3\), \(G_e\) is sum-free if and only if n is not a multiple of 3.
Remark 5.5
Note that the conditions of Proposition 4.12 and Proposition 5.4 are the same. That says that \(G_e\) is a sum-free Sidon set or not when e is a generalized Welch exponent.
6 More Sidon and sum-free multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) in relation with the result of [5]
Let d, i and n be positive integers such that \(d\not \equiv 2^i \pmod {2^n-1}\) Because of Theorem 1.3, we are now interested in considering multiplicative groups of orders of the form \(\gcd (d-2^i,2^n-1)\). To this end, according to Corollary 4.2 and Proposition 4, we need to count the zeros of \(\gcd (X^{d-2^i}+1,(X+1)^{d-2^i}+u)\) (polynomials viewed in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}[X]/(X^{2^n}+X)\)). Now, recall that, if \(\gcd (a_1,a_2)=1\), then \(\gcd (b,a_1a_2)=\gcd (b,a_1)\gcd (b,a_2)\) for every b , where \(a_1, a_2,b\) can be integers or polynomials. Hence, if \(\gcd (b_1,b_2)=\gcd (a_1,a_2)=1\), we have \(\gcd (b_1b_2,a_1a_2)=\prod _{i,j=1,2}\gcd (a_i,b_j)\). We have:
and, for \(u\not =0\), \(\gcd (X^{d-2^i}+1,X^{2^i})=\gcd ((X+1)^{d-2^i}+u,(X+1)^{2^i})=1\), since \(d\not \equiv 2^i\pmod {2^n-1}\) Hence, when \(u\not =0\), we have:
Observe that the set of zeros of \(\gcd (X^{d-2^i}+1,(X+1)^{2^i})\) is \(\{1\}\) while the unique possible zero of \(\gcd (X^{2^i},(X+1)^{d-2^i}+u)\) is 0 (more precisely, 0 is a zero if \(u=1\) and there is no zero in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\) otherwise).
On the other hand, if \(u\not =0\), then neither 0 nor 1 is a zero of \(\gcd (X^{d-2^i}+1,(X+1)^{d-2^i}+u)\). Hence:
Lemma 6.1
Let d, i and n be positive integers such that \(d\not \equiv 2^i \pmod {2^n-1}\) and \(u\ne 0\) in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^n}\). The zeros of \(\gcd (X^{d-2^i}+1,(X+1)^{d-2^i}+u)\) (polynomials viewed in \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}[X]/(X^{2^n}+X)\)) are those zeros of \(\gcd (X^{d}+X^{2^i},(X+1)^{d}+u(X+1)^{2^i})\) which are not in \({\mathbb F}_2\).
From Theorem 1.3, Corollary 4.2, Proposition 5.1 and Lemma 6.1, we deduce:
Corollary 6.2
If d is an APN exponent, then for every integer i and for every \(u\in \mathbb {F}_{2^n}\setminus \mathbb {F}_2\), the polynomial \(\gcd (X^{d}+X^{2^i},(X+1)^{d}+u(X+1)^{2^i})\) has at most two zeros in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^n}\setminus \mathbb {F}_2\), and for \(u=1\), this same polynomial has no zero in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^n}\setminus \mathbb {F}_2\).
Let us take now \(d=2^j+1\) where j is a positive integer. Suppose that \(u=1\). Then, \( \gcd (X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i},(X+1)^{2^j+1}+(X+1)^{2^i})=\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i},X^{2^j}+X)=\gcd (X^{2^i}+X^2,X^{2^j}+X)\). Hence, the set of zeros of \( \gcd (X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i},(X+1)^{2^j+1}+(X+1)^{2^i})\) is \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}\cap {\mathbb F}_{2^j}\cap {\mathbb F}_{2^{i-1}}={\mathbb F}_{2^{\gcd (n,j,i-1)}}\). Therefore, according to Proposition 5.1 and to Lemma 6.1, we have:
Proposition 6.3
Let n and j be positive integers and \(e=\gcd (2^j-2^i+1,2^n-1)\). Then, \(G_e\) is sum-free if and only if \(\gcd (n,j,i-1)=1\)
For \(j=2i\), the condition becomes n odd or i even.
The calculations above show that a necessary condition for \(G_e\) to be a Sidon set is that \(\gcd (n,j,i-1)\le 2\). Suppose now that \(u\not \in {\mathbb F}_2\). Then, \(\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i},(X+1)^{2^j+1}+u(X+1)^{2^i})= \gcd (X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i},X^{2^j} + (u+1)X^{2^i} + X + (u+1))=\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i},uX^{2^i}+X^2 + X + (u+1))=\gcd (X^{2^j+1}+\frac{1}{u}X^2 +\frac{1}{u} X + \frac{u+1}{u},uX^{2^i}+X^2 + X + (u+1))\). A common zero x of \(X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i}\) and \((X+1)^{2^j+1}+u(X+1)^{2^i}\) is then a common zero of \(X^{2^j+1}+X^{2^i}\) and \(X^{2^j} + (u+1)X^{2^i} + X + (u+1)\), that is, satisfies \(x^{2^j+1}=x^{2^i}\) and \(x^{2^j} + x = (u+1)(x^{2^i}+1)\). In other words, the function \(x\in G_e\setminus \{1\}\mapsto \frac{x^{2^j} +x}{x^{2^i}+1}\) takes each of its values at most 2 times.
7 Conclusions
In this paper, we have characterized by the gcd of polynomials when multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) are Sidon sets (resp. sum-free sets) in the group \(({\mathbb F}_{2^n},+)\). We have deduced the determination of those Sidon (resp. sum-free) multiplicative subgroups whose orders have the so-called Dillon-like form \(\gcd (2^i-1,2^n-1)\), Gold-like form \(\gcd (2^i+1,2^n-1)\) and Welch-like form \(\gcd (2^i+3,2^n-1)\). These characterizations show the interest of using a multiplicative structure when studying an additive property. In the appendix we give two tables, taken from [5], and giving, respectively, the classes of Sidon and sum-free multiplicative subgroups, and the corresponding superclasses (called approximate) which result from the characterizations of the present paper. These tables illustrate for \(n\le 15\) that approximate Sidon–sum-free groups are good approximation of Sidon–sum-free groups. This means that with our results, we cover almost all cases of Sidon–sum-free multiplicative subgroups, for \(n\le 15\).
The same is true, in an extreme way, for APN functions in cryptography: the notion is purely additive, but no construction of an APN function is known which does not use the field structure.
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Carlet, C., Mesnager, S. On those multiplicative subgroups of \({\mathbb F}_{2^n}^*\) which are Sidon sets and/or sum-free sets. J Algebr Comb 55, 43–59 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10801-020-00988-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10801-020-00988-7