Little work has been done to assess the reliability of a vital system like the manufacturing system. In this article, a novel and effective system reliability evaluation method in terms of failure losses has been proposed for manufacturing systems of job shop type, and then the failure losses based component importance measure (CIM) is used for importance analysis of equipment. The former indicates the present system reliability situation and the latter points the way to reliability improvement efforts. In this scheme, the problem is described and modeled by a dynamic directed network. Consider that the actual processing time of machines is to contribute to failure occurrence, it is used to calculate the failure times and failure losses. The obtained total failure times and failure losses of the system are applied to evaluate its reliability. Techniques to estimate two kinds of failure losses based CIMs are presented. They offer guidelines to realize system reliability growth cost-effectively. A case study of a real job shop is provided as an example to demonstrate the validity of the proposed methods. Comparison to other commonly used methods shows the efficiency of the proposed methods.

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- CIM:
Component importance measure
- CNC:
Computer numerical control
- DNC:
Distributed numerical control
- ERP:
Enterprise resource planning
- FT:
Failure times
- MES:
Manufacturing execution system
- MPT:
Machine processing time
Mean time between failure
Mean time to failure
Mean time to repair
- OEE:
Overall equipment effectiveness
Radio frequency identification
- WDN:
Weighted and directed network
- WIP:
- \(t, T\) :
Sequence number of time intervals (number of all intervals is \(T\))
- \(i, I_{t}\) :
Sequence number of products items (number of all items is \(I_{t}\))
- \(j, J_{t}\) :
Sequence number of processes during \(t\) (\(J_{t}\) is the maximum value)
- \(k, K\) :
Sequence number of equipment (number of all equipment is \(K\))
- \(G_{t}\) :
WDN during \(t\)
- \(M_{k}\) :
Equipment \(k\)
- \(r_{k}\) :
Failure rate of \(M_{k}\)
- \(FT_{tk}\) :
Failure times of \(M_{k}\) during \(t\)
- \(T_{total}\) :
Total time
- \(V_{ti}\) :
Volume size of item \(i\) during \(t\)
- \(B_{tij}\) :
Processing time of item \(i\) for the \(j\hbox {th}\) process during \(t\)
- \(x_{tijk}\) :
Be equal to 1 if \(M_{k}\) is used for machining the \(j\hbox {th}\) process of item \(i\) during \(t\), 0 otherwise
- \(MTBF_{k}\) :
MTBF of \(M_{k}\)
- \(MTTR_{k}\) :
MTTR of \(M_{k}\)
- \(C_{k}\) :
Average maintenance cost for every repair process of \(M_{k}\)
- \(PL_{tk}\) :
Production losses for \(M_{k}\) during time period \(t\)
- \(C_{k}^{f}\) :
Fixed cost for spare parts or components
- \(C_{k}^{v}\) :
Variable cost for labor cost
- \(c\) :
Unit labor cost of maintenance crews
- \(U_{tijk}\) :
Occupancy rate of \(M_{k}\) processing the \(j\hbox {th}\) process of Item \(i\) during \(t\)
- \(s_{i}\) :
Profit for every item \(i\)
- \(FT_{total}\) :
Total failure times
- \(FL_{total}\) :
Total failure losses
- \(\overline{FL}\) :
Average losses of every failure
- \(I_{k-MTBF}^{FL}\) :
CIM in terms of \(MTBF_{k}\)
- \(I_{k-MTTR}^{FL}\) :
CIM in terms of \(MTTR_{k}\)
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The authors are grateful to the Technical Editor and all Reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments. This work was supported by the major national science & technology program (top-grade CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment) under Grant No. 2011ZX04016-101.
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Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Yu, M. et al. Reliability evaluation and component importance measure for manufacturing systems based on failure losses. J Intell Manuf 28, 1859–1869 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-015-1073-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-015-1073-1