A novel algorithm based on the window construction method using local edge detection is presented. Firstly, in order to construct the adaptive window, a virtual closed edge is formed around each pixel via second order differential operator. Secondly, a novel rule called Dissimilar Intensity Support (DIS) technique is proposed. This rule is used to distinguish support pixels with dissimilar intensity from those with similar intensity for each centered pixel. So that the performance of window-based cost aggregation computation is improved. Thirdly, belief propagation (BP) optimization algorithm is used to obtain the disparity. The experimental results based on Middlebury stereo benchmark show that the proposed algorithm has good performances.

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Da, F., He, F. & Chen, Z. Stereo Matching Based on Dissimilar Intensity Support and Belief Propagation. J Math Imaging Vis 47, 27–34 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-013-0448-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-013-0448-1