The use of object-oriented programming techniques in the development of parallel, finite element analysis software enhances code reuse and increases efficiency during application development. In this paper, an object-oriented programming framework developed by the authors is utilized in the implementation of parallel finite element software for modeling of the resin transfer molding manufacturing process. The motivation for choosing the resin transfer molding finite element application and implementing it with the object-oriented framework is that it was originally developed and parallelized in a functional programming paradigm thus offering the possibility of direct comparisons. Discussion of the software development effort and performance results are presented and analyzed.
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Henz, B.J., Shires, D.R. Parallel Finite Element Software Development and Performance Analysis in an Object-Oriented Programming Framework. J Math Model Algor 4, 17–34 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10852-004-3520-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10852-004-3520-4