Geopolymers are alternative materials to portland cement, obtained by alkaline activation of aluminosilicates. They exhibit excellent properties and a wide range of potential applications in the field of civil engineering. Several natural aluminosilicates and industrial by-products can be used for geopolymer synthesis, but a lot of starting materials have the disadvantage of poor reactivity and low strength development. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the main methods used to alter the reactivity of aluminosilicate materials for geopolymer synthesis, as reported recently in the literature. The methods consist of mechanical, thermal, physical separation and chemical activation, of which mechanical activation is the most commonly employed technique. The reactivity of the activated aluminosilicate materials is mainly related to the activation method and the treatment parameters. Chemical activation by alkaline fusion is a promising method allowing preparation of one-part geopolymer materials, an alternative class of geopolymeric binders. However, the resulting alkaline-fused geopolymer products are vulnerable to attack by excessive alkalis.

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This paper is part of the PhD study of Leonel Noumbissie Tchadjie conducted under the NRF-TWAS Doctoral Scholarship, Grant No. 99993. The candidate thanks the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa for offering him this grant and study opportunity.
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Tchadjie, L.N., Ekolu, S.O. Enhancing the reactivity of aluminosilicate materials toward geopolymer synthesis. J Mater Sci 53, 4709–4733 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-017-1907-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-017-1907-7