Nowadays, large part of the technical knowledge associated with collapses of slabs is based on past failures of bridges, floors, flat roofs and balconies. Collapse mechanisms tend to often differ from each other due to unique features which make it difficult to derive a generalised technique that can predict the right mechanism. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for tackling the problem of detection of collapse mechanisms, which is part of a pseudo-lower bound method for assessing concrete slabs in bridges and buildings. The problem is generalised to a combinatorial one, and the solution is based on a set of well-known combinatorial optimization algorithms. The proposed approach enables an identification of the domain of existence of yield-lines potentially leading to collapse. The output provides an estimation of a hampered domain of feasible yield-lines through which engineers can quickly identify zones of the slab and directions in which yield-lines leading to collapse are more likely to occur. Numerical applications of the algorithm are presented herein.

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De Filippo, M., Kuang, J.S. Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms for detecting Collapse Mechanisms of Concrete Slabs. J Optim Theory Appl 190, 540–564 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01894-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01894-z