A logic for classical conditional events was investigated by Dubois and Prade. In their approach, the truth value of a conditional event may be undetermined. In this paper we extend the treatment to many-valued events. Then we support the thesis that probability over partially undetermined events is a conditional probability, and we interpret it in terms of bets in the style of de Finetti. Finally, we show that the whole investigation can be carried out in a logical and algebraic setting, and we find a logical characterization of coherence for assessments of partially undetermined events.
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Montagna, F. Partially Undetermined Many-Valued Events and Their Conditional Probability. J Philos Logic 41, 563–593 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-011-9185-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-011-9185-3