The financial market is a particularly challenging playground for deep reinforcement learning due to its unique feature of dynamic datasets. Building high-quality market environments for training financial reinforcement learning (FinRL) agents is difficult due to major factors such as the low signal-to-noise ratio of financial data, survivorship bias of historical data, and model overfitting. In this paper, we present an updated version of FinRL-Meta, a data-centric and openly accessible library that processes dynamic datasets from real-world markets into gym-style market environments and has been actively maintained by the AI4Finance community. First, following a DataOps paradigm, we provide hundreds of market environments through an automatic data curation pipeline. Second, we provide homegrown examples and reproduce popular research papers as stepping stones for users to design new trading strategies. We also deploy the library on cloud platforms so that users can visualize their own results and assess the relative performance via community-wise competitions. Third, we provide dozens of Jupyter/Python demos organized into a curriculum and a documentation website to serve the rapidly growing community. The codes are available at https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL-Meta
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No data is directly held by us. We release data processing codes in https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL-Meta
Code availability
FinRL-Meta’s code is open-sourced at: https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL-Meta with MIT License.
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Note that “data-driven” and “data-centric” are two distinct concepts. The former refers to utilizing data to guide policy training, whereas the latter means placing data quality in the central role in FinRL development. The endeavors of “data-driven” and “data-centric” approaches complement each other in their efforts to enhance overall policy performance.
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We thank Jingyang Rui for participating early design and development of FinRL-Meta and his contribution of our previous conference version in NeurIPS 22. He didn’t participate in this version because of employment constraint. We thank Mr. Tao Liu (IDEA Research, International Digital Economy Academy) for technical support of computing platform on this research project. Ming Zhu was supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant No. 61902387). Christina Dan Wang is Assistant Professor, Shanghai Frontiers Science Center of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, NYU Shanghai; Business Division, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai China 200122; and Supported in part by National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (NNSFC) grant 12271363. Disclaimer: Nothing in this paper and the FinRL-Meta repository is financial advice, and NOT a recommendation to trade real money. Please use common sense and always first consult a professional before trading or investing.
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Authors and Affiliations
X-Y: Designs and leads the development of the whole FinRL-Meta framework. ZX: Contributes to the development of FinRL-Meta, MDP modeling, stock trading, trading in real time, and tutorials. HY: Contributes to related work, stock trading, ensemble strategy, Financial Sentiment Analysis. Jiechao Gao: Contributes to FinRL-Meta’s mathematical modeling, revises whole paper. DZ: Contributes to the data curation pipeline, data centric idea. MZ: Contributes to maintaining the open-source repo of FinRL-Meta on GitHub, and proofreading. CDW: Supervises applications in FinRL-Meta and financial sentiment analysis. ZW: Supervises reinforcement learning, MDP modeling, and DRL algorithms. JG: Provides computing resources, and helps proofreading.
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The authors are from universities and research labs. No competing interests.
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FinRL-Meta uses MIT License. We, all authors, welcome any person participate in our project and join our open-source community.
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Editors: Emma Brunskill, Minmin Chen, Omer Gottesman, Lihong Li, Yuxi Li, Yao Liu, Zonging Lu, Niranjani Prasad, Zhiwei Qin, Csaba Szepesvari, Matthew Taylor
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Appendix 1: Terminology
We provide a list of key terms for reinforcement learning and finance in Table 6 and Table 7. For terminologies of reinforcement learning, interested users can refer to Sutton (2022) or the classic textbook (Sutton & Barto, 2018). Also, the webpageFootnote 12 explains key concepts of RL. For terminologies of finance, interested users can refer to De Prado (2018).
Appendix 2: Dataset documentation and usages
We organize the dataset documentation according to the suggested template of datasheets for datasetsFootnote 13.
1.1 2.1: Motivation
For what purpose was the dataset created? As data is refreshing minute-to-millisecond, finance is a particularly difficult playground for deep reinforcement learning. In academia, scholars use financial big data to obtain more complex and precise understanding of markets and economics. While industries use financial big data to refine their analytical strategies and strengthen their prediction models. To serve the rapidly growing AI4Finance community, we create FinRL-Meta that provides data access from different sources, pre-processes the raw data with different features, and builds the data to RL environments. We aim to provide dynamic RL environments that are manageable by users. We aim to build a financial metaverse, a universe of near real-market environments, as a playground for data-driven financial machine learning.
Who created the dataset? FinRL-Meta is an open-source project created by the AI4Finance community. Contents of FinRL-Meta are contributed by the authors of this paper and will be maintained by members of the AI4Finance community.
Who funded the creation of the dataset? AI4Finance Foundation, a non-profit open-source community that shares AI tools for finance, funded our project.
1.2 2.2: Composition
What do the instances that comprise the dataset represent? Instances of FinRL-Meta are volume-price data includes: stocks, securities, cryptocurrencies, etc; and sentiment data from social media, ESG, Google Trends, etc. FinRL-Meta provides hundreds of market environments through an automatic pipeline that collects dynamic datasets from real-world markets and processes them into standard gym-style market environments. FinRL-Meta also benchmarks popular papers as stepping stones for users to design new trading strategies.
How many instances are there in total? FinRL-Meta does not store data directly. Instead, we provide codes for a pipeline of data accessing, data cleaning, feature engineering, and building into RL environments. Table 2 provides the supported data sources of FinRL-Meta. At the moment, there are hundreds of market environments, dozens of tutorials and demos, and several benchmarks provided.
Does the dataset contain all possible instances or is it a sample of instances from a larger set? With our provided codes, users could fetch data from the data source by properly specifying the starting date, ending date, time granularity, asset set, attributes, etc.
What data does each instance consist of? Now there are several types of financial data, as shown in Table 2:
Is there a label or target associated with each instance? No. There is not label or preset target for each instance. But users can use our benchmarks are baselines.
Is any information missing from individual instances? Yes. In several data sources, there are missing values and we provided standard preprocessing methods.
Are relationships between individual instances made explicit? Yes. An instance is a sample set of the market of interest.
Are there recommended data splits? We recommend users to follow our training–testing-training pipeline, as shown in Fig. 4. Users can flexibly choose their preferred settings, e.g., in stock trading task, our demo access Yahoo! Finance database and use data from 01/01/2009 to 06/30/2020 for training and data from 07/01/2020 to 05/31/2022 for backtesting.
Are there any errors, sources of noise, or redundancies in the dataset? For the raw data fetched from different sources, there are noise and outliers. We provide codes to process the data and built them into standard RL gym environment.
Is the dataset self-contained, or does it link to or otherwise rely on external resources? It is linked to external resources. As shown in Table 2, FinRL-Meta fetch data from data sources to build gym environments.
Does the dataset contain data that might be considered confidential? No. All our data are from publicly available data sources.
Does the dataset contain data that, if viewed directly, might be offensive, insulting, threatening, or might otherwise cause anxiety? No. All our data are numerical.
1.3 2.3: Collection process
How was the data associated with each instance acquired? FinRL-Meta fetches data from data sources. as shown in Table 2.
What mechanisms or procedures were used to collect the data? FinRL-Meta provides dynamic market environments that are built according to users’ settings. To achieve this, we provide software APIs to fetch data from different data sources. Note that some data sources require accounts and passwords or have limitations on the number or frequency of requests.
If the dataset is a sample from a larger set, what was the sampling strategy? It is dynamic, depending on users’ settings, such as the starting date, ending date, time granularity, asset set, attributes, etc.
Who was involved in the data collection process and how were they compensated? Our codes collect publicly available market data, which is free.
Over what timeframe was the data collected? It is not applicable because the environments are created dynamically by running the codes to fetch data in real-time.
Were any ethical review processes conducted? No?
1.4 2.4: Preprocessing/cleaning/labeling
Was any preprocessing/cleaning/labeling of the data done? Yes. For the raw data fetched from different sources, there are noise and outliers. We provide codes to process the data and built them into standard RL gym environment.
Was the “raw” data saved in addition to the preprocessed/cleaned/labeled data The raw data are hold by different data sources (data providers).
Is the software that was used to preprocess/clean/label the data available? Yes. We use our own codes to do cleaning and preprocessing.
1.5 2.5: Uses
Has the dataset been used for any tasks already? Yes. Thousands of AI4Finance community members use FinRL-Meta for learning and research purpose. There are also courses in colleges using FinRL-Meta as material for teaching financial reinforcement learning. Demos and tutorials are mentioned in Sect. 5.
Is there a repository that links to any or all papers or systems that use the dataset? 1. Research papers that used FinRL-Meta are listed here: https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL-Tutorials/blob/master/FinRL_papers.md Our conference version of FinRL-Meta (Liu et al., 2022) appeared in NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. Our workshop version of FinRL-Meta (Liu et al., 2021) appeared in NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Data-Centric AI. 2. The following three repositories have incorporated FinRL-Meta:
FinRL-Meta corresponding to the market layer of FinRL (7K stars): https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL
ElegantRL (2.7K stars) supports FinRL-Meta: https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/ElegantRL
FinRL-Podracer: https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL_Podracer
What (other) tasks could the dataset be used for? Besides the current tasks (tutorial, demo and benchmarks), FinRL-Meta will be useful for the following tasks:
Curriculum learning for agents: Based on FinRL-Meta (a universe of market environments, say \(\ge 100\)), one is able to construct an environment by sampling data samples from multiple market datasets, similar to XLand (Team et al., 2021). In this way, one can apply the curriculum learning method (Team et al., 2021) to train a generally capable agent for several financial tasks.
To improve the performance for the large-scale markets, we are exploiting GPU-based massive parallel simulation such as Isaac Gym (Makoviychuk et al., 2021).
It will be interesting to explore the evolutionary perspectives (Gupta et al., 2021; Scholl et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021) to simulate the markets. We believe that FinRL-Meta will provide insights into complex market phenomena and offer guidance for financial regulations.
Is there anything about the composition of the dataset or the way it was collected and preprocessed/cleaned/labeled that might impact future uses? We believe that FinRL-Meta will not encounter usage limits. Our data are fetched from different sources in real-time when running the codes. However, there may be one or two out of \(\ge 30\) data sources (in Table 2) change data access rules that may impact future use. So please refer to the rules and accessibility of certain data sources when using.
Are there tasks for which the dataset should not be used? No. Since there are no ethical problems for FinRL-Meta, users could use FinRL-Meta in any task as long as it does not violate laws. Disclaimer: Nothing herein is financial advice, and NOT a recommendation to trade real money. Please use common sense and always first consult a professional before trading or investing.
1.6 2.6: Distribution
Will the dataset be distributed to third parties outside of the entity (e.g., company, institution, organization) on behalf of which the dataset was created? No. It will always be held on GitHub under MIT license, for educational and research purposes.
How will the dataset be distributed? Our codes and existing environments are available on GitHub FinRL-Meta repository https://github.com/AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL-Meta.
When will the dataset be distributed? FinRL-Meta is publicly available since February 14th, 2021.
Will the dataset be distributed under a copyright or other intellectual property (IP) license, and/or under applicable terms of use (ToU)? FinRL-Meta is distributed under MIT License, for educational and research purposes.
Have any third parties imposed IP-based or other restrictions on the data associated with the instances? No.
Do any export controls or other regulatory restrictions apply to the dataset or to individual instances? No. Our data are fetched from different sources in real time. However, there may be one or two out of \(\ge 20\) data sources (in Table 2) change data access rules that may impact future use. So please refer to the rules and accessibility of certain data sources when using.
1.7 2.7: Maintenance
Who will be supporting/hosting/maintaining the dataset? FinRL-Meta has been actively maintained by AI4Finance Foundation (including the authors of this paper) which has over 12K members at the moment (Mar. 2023). We are actively updating market environments, to serve the rapidly growing open-source AI4Finance community.
How can the owner/curator/manager of the dataset be contacted? We encourage users to join our Slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/ai4financeworkspace/shared_invite/zt-v670l1jm-dzTgIT9fHZIjjrqprrY0kg or our mailing list: https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/ai4finance,
Is there an erratum? Users can use GitHub to report issues/bugs and use Slack channel, Discord channel, or mailing list (AI4Finance_FinRL at https://groups.google.com/u/2/g/ai4finance) to discuss solutions. AI4Finance community is actively improving the codes, say extracting technical indicators, evaluating feature importance, quantifying the probability of model overfitting, etc.
Will the dataset be updated? Yes, we are actively updating codes and adding more data sources. Users could get information and the newly updated version through our GitHub repository, or join the mailing list: https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/ai4finance.
If the dataset relates to people, are there applicable limits on the retention of the data associated with the instances The data of FinRL-Meta do not relate to people.
Will older versions of the dataset continue to be supported/hosted/maintained? Yes. All versions can be found on our GitHub repository.
If others want to extend/augment/build on/contribute to the dataset, is there a mechanism for them to do so? We maintain FinRL-Meta on GitHub. Users can use GitHub to report issues/bugs and use Slack channel or mailing list to discuss solutions. We welcome community members to submit pull requests through GitHub.
How does the platform handle ticker name changes due to corporate actions? To our knowledge, changing of ticker names is very rare. Therefore, periodically conducting manual checks and adjustments to the data API may be satisfactory. Nevertheless, there exists the potential for implementing automated processes for handling such changes, such as utilizing web crawling techniques to retrieve updated ticker names from sources like https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/. We plan to explore this possibility in future investigations.
What about missing data? We can incorporate a backup data source as a precautionary measure. Oftentimes, data for specific variables, such as stock prices, are available from multiple sources. In the unfortunate event of missing data from the primary source, we can resort to the backup source. We will investigate other possible solutions in our future work.
What if data server is down? Given that we have open-sourced our codebase, users have the option to directly retrieve the data using their own server or PC. Additionally, we plan to progressively introduce supplementary data servers to facilitate data downloading.
Appendix 3: MDP setup for market environments
1.1 3.1 Order execution
The order execution task has the following MDP:
State \(\mathbf {s_t} = [\mathbf {h_t}, (\mathbf {p_t}, \mathbf {o_t})] \in \mathbb {R}^{1+2*9}\), where \(\mathbf {h_t} \in \mathbb {R}_+\) denotes the remaining holds that haven’t been executed as orders, \((\mathbf {p_t}, \mathbf {o_t}) \in \mathbb {R}^2*9_+\) denotes the current limit order book at time t.
Action \(\mathbf {a_t}=[\mathbf {ap_t}, \mathbf {ah_t}] \in \mathbb {R}^2_+\), which denotes the agent would place \(\mathbf {ah_t}\) number of shares to the market order with price \(\mathbf {ap_t}\).
Reward \(r(\mathbf {s_t}, \mathbf {a_t}, \mathbf {s_{t+1}}) \in \mathbb {R}\). In this order execution task, the reward function is set to be the excess return of the agent comparing to the Time-weighted average price (TWAP).
1.2 3.2 Paper trading
Paper trading task is the variance of stock trading that trading in real time. It has a similar MDP setup:
State \({\varvec{s_t}}=[b_t,{\varvec{p_t}},{\varvec{f_t}},{\varvec{h_t}}] \in \mathbb {R}^{30(I+2)+1}\), where scalar \(b_t\in \mathbb {R}_+\) is the remaining balance in the account, \({\varvec{p_t}}\in \mathbb {R}_+^{30}\) is the prices of 30 stocks, \({\varvec{f_t}}\in \mathbb {R}^{30\cdot I}\) is a feature vector and each stock has I technical indicators, and \({\varvec{h_t}}\in \mathbb {R}_+^{30}\) denotes the share holdings, where \(\mathbb {R}_+\) is the set of non-negative real numbers.
Action \({\varvec{a_t}} \in \mathbb {R}^{30}\) denotes the trading operations on the 30 stocks, i.e., \({\varvec{h_{t+1}}}={\varvec{h_t}} + {\varvec{a_t}}\). When an entry \({\varvec{a}}_t^i > 0, i=1,..., 30\), it means a buy-in of \({\varvec{a}}_t^i\) shares on the i-th stock, negative action \({\varvec{a}}_t^i < 0\) for selling, and zero action \({\varvec{a}}_t^i = 0\) keeps \({\varvec{h}}_t^i\) unchanged.
Reward function \(R({\varvec{s_t}}, {\varvec{a_t}}, {\varvec{s_{t+1}}})\in \mathbb {R}\): In this paper trading task, the reward function is set to be the change of total asset values, i.e., \(R({\varvec{s_t}}, {\varvec{a_t}}, {\varvec{s_{t+1}}})=v_{t+1}-v_t\), where \(v_t\) and \(v_{t+1}\) are the total asset values at state \({\varvec{s_t}}\) and \({\varvec{s_{t+1}}}\), respectively, i.e., \(v_t={\varvec{p_t}}^{\intercal }{\varvec{h_t}}+b_t\in \mathbb {R}\).
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Liu, XY., Xia, Z., Yang, H. et al. Dynamic datasets and market environments for financial reinforcement learning. Mach Learn 113, 2795–2839 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-023-06511-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-023-06511-w