Correction to: Machine Learning 113, 2183?2205, (2024)

In our recent publication, it has come to our attention that Fig. 1 in our paper is a derivative of a figure previously published in an IEEE article titled “Diversity in Independent Component Analysis and Vector Analysis: Identifiability, algorithms, and applications in medical imaging,” authored by Dr. Tulay Adali ( Specifically, our Fig. 1 is a modified version of Fig. 3(a) from Dr. Adali’s article.

While we did reference the IEEE article in Sect. 2, we failed to provide proper attribution to Dr. Adali as the original creator of the figure.

We hereby acknowledge Dr. Tulay Adali as the original creator of the figure and state that the figure was used and modified in our paper without seeking prior permission. We are committed to rectifying this error to preserve Dr. Adali’s rights to her work.

The corrected attribution for Fig. 1 should read as follows:

“Figure 1 is a modified version of Fig. 3(a) from the article ‘Diversity in Independent Component Analysis and Vector Analysis: Identifiability, algorithms, and applications in medical imaging’ by Tulay Adali, Matthew Anderson, and Geng-Shen Fu. (DOI:”

Reprinted with permission from Diversity in Independent Component Analysis and Vector Analysis: Identifiability, algorithms, and applications in medical imaging.

The original article has been corrected.