The incompressible material point method was proposed for modeling the free surface flow problems based on the operator splitting technique which decouples the solution of the velocity and the pressure in our previous work. To further model the coupling problems between the incompressible fluid and the moving irregular solid bodies, an augmented incompressible material point method is proposed in this paper based on the energy minimization form of operator splitting technique. The interaction between the fluid and the solid is taken into account via the work done by the fluid pressure on the solid bodies. By minimizing the total work done by the fluid pressure, volume-weighted pressure Poisson equations are obtained. The proposed method is validated with liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank subjected to various base-excitations, and is then used to study the optimal height of baffles mounted on the bottom of the tank to mitigate the sloshing wave.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11272180).
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Zhang, F., Zhang, X. & Liu, Y. An augmented incompressible material point method for modeling liquid sloshing problems. Int J Mech Mater Des 14, 141–155 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10999-017-9366-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10999-017-9366-5