This paper presents a novel technique to discover double JPEG compression traces. Existing detectors only operate in a scenario that the image under investigation is explicitly available in JPEG format. Consequently, if quantization information of JPEG files is unknown, their performance dramatically degrades. Our method addresses both forensic scenarios which results in a fresh perceptual detection pipeline. We suggest a dimensionality reduction algorithm to visualize behaviors of a big database including various single and double compressed images. Based on intuitions of visualization, three bottom-up, top-down and combined top-down/bottom-up learning strategies are proposed. Our tool discriminates single compressed images from double counterparts, estimates the first quantization in double compression, and localizes tampered regions in a forgery examination. Extensive experiments on three databases demonstrate results are robust among different quality levels. F 1-measure improvement to the best state-of-the-art approach reaches up to 26.32 %. An implementation of algorithms is available upon request to fellows.

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In simple language, the ergodicity principle refers to the proverb “You may know by a handful the whole sack.”.
The RCID database is publicly available to fellow academic researchers. For accessing this database, please contact behrad@shahed.ac.ir.
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The authors would like to thank S. Sabouri for her valuable comments which help us to improve the quality of this paper.
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Taimori, A., Razzazi, F., Behrad, A. et al. A novel forensic image analysis tool for discovering double JPEG compression clues. Multimed Tools Appl 76, 7749–7783 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3409-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3409-z