Surfaces based on feature line constraints have higher accuracy than free-form surfaces and can capture other geometric relations of the model. The parts of complex microsurfaces are formed by arrays and crossings of several small surfaces. Many problems can be encountered in identifying feature points and fitting feature lines, which are difficult to solve by reverse engineering. In this study, feature point extraction, feature line fitting, and three-dimensional segmentation were investigated. First, the connection between two surfaces and the corresponding differential geometric quantities were explored. Then, a feature point extraction method for complex models was proposed. Second, the problems of separation, simplification, and combination of feature points for different models were analyzed, and the feature lines used to segment the point cloud were constructed. Finally, a region growth method based on feature line constraints was proposed to segment the point cloud data. Experimental results show that this method can solve the problem of excessive and insufficient segmentation for complex microsurface point cloud data and thus represents a foundation for high-quality model reconstruction.
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This work was supported by “the National Natural Science Foundation of China” under Grant No. 51105175 and “Six Talent Climax Foundation of Jiangsu Province” under Grant No. JXQC-006.
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Ji, X., Zhang, X. & Hu, H. Point cloud segmentation for complex microsurfaces based on feature line fitting. Multimed Tools Appl 80, 4553–4578 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09910-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09910-6