Research regarding seedling quality issues has been performed for decades and focused primarily on conifer species, which comprise the greatest proportion of nursery production worldwide. Demand for hardwood seedlings, particularly for conservation purposes, has increased steadily in recent years, emphasizing the need for seedling quality assessment protocols specific to these species. Important differences between conifer (gymnosperm) and hardwood (angiosperm) species require the creation of seedling evaluative programs specific to each group. Variation in phenology and ecological adaptability of hardwood species limits the validity of inferences made between and within genera. Annual cycles of leaf emergence followed by abscission in temperate hardwoods necessitate examination of seasonal variation in indicators of physiological condition that do not require leaf tissue (e.g., mineral nutrition, electrolyte leakage). Also, it is crucial to identify appropriate sampling periods and plant tissues for testing such that test results may be accurately compared. Though certain parameters (e.g., morphological) may be readily used in both conifer and hardwood seedling quality testing programs with little modification, additional refinement is needed to improve predictive capacity for hardwoods across a variety of environments. We review the current state of knowledge regarding seedling quality testing of temperate deciduous hardwood species, discuss limitations in incorporating traditional components of quality testing programs, and set priorities for future study.
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Wilson, B.C., Jacobs, D.F. Quality Assessment of Temperate Zone Deciduous Hardwood Seedlings. New Forest 31, 417–433 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-005-0878-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-005-0878-8