The electrical activity in excitable cardiac tissue can be simulated using the so-called monodomain model. The monodomain model is a continuum-based multi-scale model that consists of non-linear ordinary differential equations describing the electrical activity at the cellular scale along with a semi-linear parabolic partial differential equation describing electrical propagation at the tissue scale. The standard “scale-based” splitting method for simulating the monodomain model is to split the tissue and cell models, applying different integrators to each. Typically, the tissue model is simulated with an implicit time-integration method, and the cell model is simulated with an explicit or explicit-exponential one. We demonstrate that the application of implicit-explicit (IMEX) linear multistep or Runge–Kutta methods to this splitting can have poor stability properties when the cell model is stiff. We propose a novel “gating-enhanced” IMEX splitting that treats the tissue variable and the (typically stiff) cell model gating variables together implicitly. The performance of 14 different IMEX methods using both splittings is measured in a variety of one- and two-dimensional experiments. The low incremental overhead combined with the substantially improved stability of the gating-enhanced splitting is shown to result in a performance increase of approximately a factor of four for simulations of the monodomain model with the stiff ten Tusscher–Panfilov model of human endocardial cells.
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Green, K.R., Spiteri, R.J. Gating-enhanced IMEX splitting methods for cardiac monodomain simulation. Numer Algor 81, 1443–1457 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-019-00669-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-019-00669-y