We study the dynamics of classical and quantum correlations between two edge spins in a zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNR) under noisy channels including the bit flip, phase flip, and bit–phase flip channels. The results show that the classical correlation is insusceptible under these channels, which only depends on the spin correlation function. Quantum correlations including entanglement (E), discord (D), and dissonance (Q) in the ZGNR are robust against the thermal fluctuations and display the sudden death and birth behaviors, where the death region increases with increasing temperature. E only exists between the antiferromagnetically coupled two spins in the ZGNR. For the antiferromagnetically coupled states, Q exhibits the sudden change behaviors at the points where entanglement just appears and completely disappears. By comparison, we also find that C is always larger than E, but it is not always true that C > D in the ZGNR.
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We are grateful to Cornelie Koop for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi (No. 2021JQ-837), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11847042), Science and Technology Research Program of Shangluo University (No. 19SKY025), Innovation Team of Science and Technology Bureau in Shangluo (No. SK2017-46), and Natural Science Special Project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (No. 17JK0236).
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Tan, XD., Zhang, L., Yuan, XF. et al. Dynamics of classical and quantum correlations in a zigzag graphene nanoribbon under noisy environments. Quantum Inf Process 21, 103 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-022-03439-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-022-03439-3