In this paper, the authors aim to (a) explore attitudes toward and preferences for living in the newly emerging place type of assisted living facilities in comparison to nursing homes, and (b) assess the possible impact of familiarity on those attitudes and preferences. Ninety-eight respondents (with a mean age of 62) were surveyed. Respondents were found to be more favorable toward assisted living facilities than nursing homes. A three-factor model was proposed in which attitudes mediated between familiarity and preferences. Increased familiarity seemed to predict enhanced favorable attitudes in the case of assisted living facilities, as opposed to unfavorable attitudes in the case of nursing homes. However, positive attitudes seemed to predict preferences for living in either place type. Results are discussed with regards to the literature on the mere exposure effect and long-term care for older adults.
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Imamoğlu, Ç., Imamoğlu, E.O. Relationship between Familiarity, Attitudes and Preferences: Assisted Living Facilities as Compared to Nursing Homes. Soc Indic Res 79, 235–254 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-005-4126-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-005-4126-6