This work proposes the short-term load forecasting (STLF) using a combination of wavelet transform (WT) and bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BGRU). Selection of the best wavelet basis using the Shannon entropy cost function is introduced in this paper. Since entropy is a measure of the average amount of information, Shannon's entropy has been used to select nodes from the wavelet tree that have more information. The best high- and low-frequency features selected by the Shannon entropy are applied to the BGRU for STLF. In addition, a new time coding approach called the cyclical encoding is designed that appropriately models the periods and time patterns in the electrical load time series. The proposed best-tree wavelet packet transform bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BT-WPT-BGRU) method shows superior performance compared to the wavelet transform and neuro-evolutionary algorithm (WT-NEA), wavelet and collaborative representation transforms (WACRT), convolutional and recurrent neural network (CARNN), WT–BGRU, full wavelet packet transform BGRU (FWPT-BGRU), BT-WPT bidirectional LSTM (BT-WPT-BLSTM) and BT-WPT-BGRU (with one-hot encoding). The BT-WPT-BGRU model performs 71.7%, 58.8%, 58.2%, 17.6%, 12.5%, 12.5% and 6.6% better than WT-NEA, WACRT, CARNN, WT-BGRU, FWPT-BGRU, BT-WPT-BGRU (with one-hot encoding) and BT-WPT-BLSTM in terms of the MAPE metric in ISONE dataset, respectively.
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No new data are used in this paper. The datasets used for the experiments are benchmark datasets.
Feed forward neural network
- CNN:
Convolutional neural network
- RNN:
Recurrent neural network
Long short-term memory
- GRU:
Gated recurrent unit
Short-term load forecasting
Medium-term load forecasting
Long-term load forecasting
- WT:
Wavelet transform
- DWT:
Discrete wavelet transform
Full wavelet packet transform
Best tree- wavelet packet transform
- AI:
Artificial intelligence
- SVR:
Support vector regression
- ReLU:
Rectified linear unit
Scaled exponential linear unit
- MAE:
Mean absolute error
Mean absolute percentage error
Root-mean-square error
- C t :
Memory cell in time step t in GRU
- h t :
Hidden state vector in time step t
- f t :
Output of forget gate in LSTM unit
- i t :
Output of input gate in LSTM unit
- o t :
Output of output gate in LSTM unit
- g t :
Output of output node in LSTM unit
- U t :
Output of update gate in GRU unit
- R t :
Output of reset gate in GRU unit
- F norm :
Normalized feature
- Tempnorm :
Normalized temperature
- x k :
Actual hourly load in kth sample
- \(\mathop x\limits^{\prime }_{k}\) :
Predicted hourly load in kth sample
- M :
Total number of test samples
- CEM :
Cyclical encoding vector
- n M :
Number of months of the year
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Eskandari, H., Imani, M. & Parsa Moghaddam, M. Best-tree wavelet packet transform bidirectional GRU for short-term load forecasting. J Supercomput 79, 13545–13577 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-023-05193-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-023-05193-4