A distributed firewall is a security application that monitors and controls traffic on an organization’s network. While centralized firewalls are used against attacks coming from outside a network, distributed firewalls are considered for inside attacks from internal networks such as wireless access and VPN tunnel. Distributed firewalls use policies, which are stated by rules, to find anomalous packets. However, such static rules may be incomplete. In this case, by monitoring firewall logs, the anomalies can be detected. Such logs become big when networks have high traffic, but their hidden knowledge contains valuable information about existing anomalies. In this paper, to detect the anomalies, we extract patterns from big data logs of distributed firewalls using data mining and machine learning. The proposed method is applied to big logs from distributed firewalls in a real security environment, and results are analyzed.

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The log dataset used in the case study of this research is big data, about one Terabyte. A part of the log (500 records) is located at: https://github.com/babamir/Firewall-data.
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We thank University of Kashan for supporting this research by grant# 234340.
This research was fully supported and funded by University of Kashan.
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AA obtained the real case study and achieved the results by applying the proposed method to the study. In addition, she provided the related study. B proposed the suggested method and supervised the research.
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The authors declare that have no competing interests. Andlib is a PhD candidate, and her research has been focused on anomalies of firewalls and their logs as big data. Babamir is a faculty member with University of Kashan with interests in distributed systems and cloud computing. This research has received its support from University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran, and ICT Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
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Andalib, A., Babamir, S.M. Anomaly detection of policies in distributed firewalls using data log analysis. J Supercomput 79, 19473–19514 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-023-05417-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-023-05417-7