Computation offloading can efficiently expand edge resources and is widely used to perform computing-intensive and delay-sensitive tasks. The inability of existing offloading strategies to pay attention to both packet loss problem and performance problems caused by channel noise usually lead to serious encoding costs and retransmission costs in offloading by traditional communication protocols. To address these issues, we propose a dynamic analog-digital coding QUIC (DQUIC) protocol to ensure the efficiency and reliability of edge computing data transmission. The DQUIC protocol uses a dynamic encoding method based on continuous slot communication state to handle sudden errors with a small encoding cost. Moreover, we design a dynamic multi-access edge computing (MEC) model using the DQUIC protocol for communication, which considers the impact of channel noise on communication rate and channel packet loss rate. In the dynamic MEC environment, the double deep Q-learning (DDQN) algorithm is used to solve the offloading decision problem and find the optimal offloading strategy. The experimental results demonstrate that our computation strategy, which leverages DQUIC, surpasses those strategies grounded in the DQUIC protocol and Coco protocol within a dynamic MEC environment.
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This work was supported in part by the Consulting Project of Chinese Academy of Engineering under Grant 2023-XY-09, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62272100, and in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and the Academy-Locality Cooperation Project of Chinese Academy of Engineering under Grant JS2021ZT05.
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All authors contributed to the study’s conception and design. Peng Yang performed the methodology, funding acquisition, and project administration. Peng Yang and Ruochen Ma wrote the main manuscript text. Meng Yi provided material preparation, data collection, and analysis. Ruochen Ma and Yifan Zhang carried out experimental verification. Bing Li and Zijian Bai prepared the figures and provided valuable comments on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Yang, P., Ma, R., Yi, M. et al. A computation offloading strategy for multi-access edge computing based on DQUIC protocol. J Supercomput 80, 18285–18318 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06176-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06176-9