The current practice to design software for real-time systems is tedious. There is almost no tool support that assists the designer in automatically deriving safe bounds of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of a system during code generation and in systematically optimizing code to reduce WCET.
This article presents concepts and infrastructures for WCET-aware code generation and optimization techniques for WCET reduction. All together, they help to obtain code explicitly optimized for its worst-case timing, to automate large parts of the real-time software design flow, and to reduce costs of a real-time system by allowing to use tailored hardware.
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28 June 2019
The article A compiler framework for the reduction of worst-case execution times, written by Heiko Falk and Paul Lokuciejewski, was originally published electronically on the publisher���s internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on 22 July 2010 without open access.
28 June 2019
The article A compiler framework for the reduction of worst-case execution times, written by Heiko Falk and Paul Lokuciejewski, was originally published electronically on the publisher���s internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on 22 July 2010 without open access.
28 June 2019
The article A compiler framework for the reduction of worst-case execution times, written by Heiko Falk and Paul Lokuciejewski, was originally published electronically on the publisher���s internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on 22 July 2010 without open access.
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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s ArtistDesign Network of Excellence and from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement No. 216008.
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Falk, H., Lokuciejewski, P. A compiler framework for the reduction of worst-case execution times. Real-Time Syst 46, 251–300 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-010-9101-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-010-9101-x