We consider the problem of optimal real-time scheduling of periodic and sporadic tasks on identical multiprocessors. A number of recent papers have used the notions of fluid scheduling and deadline partitioning to guarantee optimality and improve performance. This article develops a unifying theory with the DP-Fair scheduling policy and examines how it overcomes problems faced by greedy scheduling algorithms. In addition, we present DP-Wrap, a simple DP-Fair scheduling algorithm which serves as a least common ancestor to other recent algorithms. The DP-Fair scheduling policy is extended to address the problem of scheduling sporadic task sets with arbitrary deadlines.
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Funk, S., Levin, G., Sadowski, C. et al. DP-Fair: a unifying theory for optimal hard real-time multiprocessor scheduling. Real-Time Syst 47, 389–429 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-011-9130-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-011-9130-0