The mobile ad hoc network is a type of wireless network characterized by mobile nodes without a centralized administration. Frequent variations of the topology and the nature of the radio links have a negative impact on the stability of the links. Indeed, the link quality deteriorates rapidly and link breaks become frequent. To overcome these problems, new forms of routing protocols are used as the MultiPath routing. In addition, routing protocols require the knowledge of the nodes neighborhood to build and manage routes. The neighbor discovery process is performed by a Hello protocol. The Hello protocol typically involves several parameters such as the packet’s period; node’s transmit power, node’s position and node’s battery level. The purpose of this paper is to change the behavior of ad hoc On demand Multi-path Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol by considering the density of the nodes as well as the interference of the neighboring nodes. This selection of paths goes through two stages. In the first step, we study the impact of the neighbor discovery process to select a set of paths having a minimum number of neighboring nodes to diminish contention problems and interference rate. In the second step, the Interference Ratio (IR) metric is used to select the paths in which the nodes are surrounded by a minimum of interference. We choose for our study two proposed approaches based on AOMDV routing protocol. The first is called AOMDV_neighbor and considers the density parameter as a path metric. The second is called AOMDV_neighbor_IR which considers the interference rate (IR) between each node and its neighborhood as a path metric. We evaluate the proposed routing protocols performance under various NS2 simulation scenarios in a shadowing environment.

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This work is part of the CAPRAH project 08/U311/4966, supported by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
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Boumedjout, A., Gueguen, C., Mekkakia Maaza, Z. et al. Routing Protocol Based on Neighbor Interference Level for Mobile Wireless Networks. Wireless Pers Commun 115, 483–497 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07582-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07582-x